Creak Joints Condition in Never everland | World Anvil

Creak Joints

A disease that sits on the joints and causes them to become stiff and immobile. It is often associated with old age. The condition is named after the characteristic sound that can occur when the patient touches the worn joints.


What is the cause of the condition is not completely investigated. But it often occurs in the individuals who worked hard and lived under harsh conditions. This is partly due to wear of the joints.


Stiff and motionless joints, not uncommon with swelling around the joint itself. As well as pain in joints often accompanied by back pain. It also happens that the extremites can become malformed and curved.


A variety of treatments are available. None that are fully operational. But many relieve the symptoms. The big problem is that those who are affected are often poor and cannot influence their situation so that the symptoms are alleviated. Which means that when the first symptoms appear, the patient in question cannot influence his / her situation so that the course is alleviated.


The condition is chronic and can worsen with age. Some treatment can stop the process. There are no reports that the condition has completely disappeared and the patient recovered.

Påverkade grupper

Groups that are hit hard are those who work with hard work. Country workers, forest workers, fishermen. But even soldiers (if they live so long) are hit hard.

Kulturellt mottagande

Patients with advanced symptoms are considered rotten and unable to support themselves. Those who are lucky can be cared for by their family and help with simpler chores. Those who do not have the same ride with their social network are condemned to begging. Often you look down on the sufferers with a mixed feeling. First, you feel sorry for those who suffer. But at the same time, they are often a burden.
Nanite / Mechanical


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