Rengarth Ancestral Lands Geographic Location in Netheril | World Anvil

Rengarth Ancestral Lands

The Rengarth were split into two groups. The heartiest of the two lived in the Rengarth Tundra, and the more “civilized” lived south of the Narrow Sea. In either case, their bodies were much stronger than the average Netherese, and they looked upon the cultivated humans with a combination of pity and abhorrence. Yearly, the two Rengarth tribes came together to maintain strong ties and to revere their ancestral leaders and forefathers. The southern Rengarth still turned to the Two Rivers Reservation to bury their honored dead, especially their shamans and chieftains.

This vast stretch of land was all “claimed” by the Rengarth, at least as much as the Rengarth ever claimed anything as being “theirs.” The land consisted of rolling grasslands that were filled with horses, antelope, deer, and other natural creatures. Few monsters plagued their lands unless they were crossing them to get to other territories, though saber-toothed tigers and woolly mammoths were not uncommon.
