Mavin's Earthfast Spell in Netheril | World Anvil

Mavin's Earthfast

This spell was initially created to allow further mining of areas that were too dangerous to work otherwise. By casting the earthfast spell, large areas of underground tunnels became impervious to cave-ins and other similar catastrophes, the magic supporting the ceiling so that additional mining could continue.   The spell was also used for other purposes, since it also drastically halted the weathering of city streets and buildings. Many cities sought out archwizards who would cast the earthfast spell to preserve important areas of their community. The material components for this spell were a stone of controlling earth elementals, six chardalyns (each of which was imbued with a transmute mud to rock spell), and an earth elemental. All of the components were consumed during casting
Related Discipline
Archanist, Inventive
Related School
Effect Duration
One year/level
Effect Casting Time
9 rounds
one mile/level