Ascore Settlement in Netheril | World Anvil


Part of the dwarven nation Delzoun, this was a port city and a major trading post between Netheril and Delzoun. The dwarves, with their love of stone and craftsmanship, had huge stone galleys prowling the Narrow Sea. Used both for war and trade, these crafts were nearly indestructible.


At any time in the history of Netheril up to 20 such stone ships could be found docked, with another 30 or so afloat in the sea The dwarves of Ascore also traded with the elven nations of Eaerlann and Cormanthyr.


To the west of this great city, an ancient road led to the cliffs above Ascore. Here, a pair of gigantic stone griffm statues crouched, grimly guarding the dark, yawning entrance to the Delzoun nation.

Trade post