Selara's Cascade Physical / Metaphysical Law in Netheria | World Anvil

Selara's Cascade

As Selara with her broken fragments rises and sets throughout the year, the pieces of her that can be observed dance around her in a beautiful celestial ballet. Casting shadows over one another, arranging into different positions, and occasionally... colliding.   Some of these collisions are predictable by the time of year. Selara's Cascade is one such collision and the largest of them, said to be a predictor for the end of winter. The size and splendor of Selara's Cascade are believed to be tied to the winter season itself - the longer and harsher the winter season has been, the grander the display from the shattered moon.   The collision happens as the moon peaks in the sky on a day in the last week of Frostmoon, usually about 12:30 pm. After 12 months of waiting, it finally arrives. A brightly colored ripple of falling stars runs across the sky for hours afterward, bathing the land in spectacular lights. Celebrations of the end of winter are had under the lights, with roasted vegetables, smoked meats, and warm mulled alcohol. Many consider it bad luck to not at least take a moment and look up as the Cascade begins, to give thanks that winter is ending and reflect on the last year. Some use this special time to make important life decisions, and it is a popular occasion for proposals of love, seen as gaining Selara's blessing for a lifetime of happiness. As the months pass, many babies are born, believed to be blessed by Selara herself, resulting from unions initiated during this magical event.   Sacred to no one religion or faith, Selara's Cascade is a cherished part of life in Netheria - transcending religious boundaries, with people of all beliefs and backgrounds cherishing and partaking in the celebration. It unites communities and kindles a sense of shared wonder and awe, reminding the people of Netheria of the beauty and harmony that exists within the natural world.


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Aug 4, 2023 16:58 by Elizabread

Oh wow, this sounds like a really beautiful event! I can certainly see why people look forward to it every year. Is there a big countdown like with New Year's Eve in our world? I'm also very curious about the shattered moon and would like to know more. I really enjoyed the magical feeling of the Cascade and learning about the traditions and cultural importance of the event.

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