Anathexia's Blight

A pestilent fungus that grows mostly in the southeastern reaches of Sol but also where the presence of Anathexia is most strong. It is a fungus of a sickening yellowish tinge with an even more repulsive scent, it also drips acid in glops.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

This fungus is hard to grow outside of its native tropical jungle setting. Though, other than for malevolence, there's no reason one would wish to grow this fungus; its mere presence will kill everything around it.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

If carefully harvested by a skilled herbalist, it can be used as a component for an extremely poisonous philter known as Death's Extract.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Though they can theoretically grow anywhere where Anathexia's power is high, they are mostly native to the southeastern tropics of Sol. Disease-ridden already, the presence of Anathexia's Blight completely shuts down all other forms of life nearby.