Urzak Murr Character in Neternus | World Anvil
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Urzak Murr

Urzak Murr: An orc officer in the Treskotis military, under the the order of the Seated Cil Audrey, Urzak is in command of more troops than any other inhuman officer. During Cil's extensive military career, mostly fighting on the border of the dead continent, he found Urzak imprisoned after killing one of the Devil of the Mountain's generals. Urzak killed the orc general in his sleep after much of his family was convinced to join him in combat against the Western Nations, and subsequently died. When Urazak received word the general had returned with fewer than half the troops he left with, and none of his kin, he snuck into the forward camp well into war-torn territory and killed the general. He gave no resistance when guards later found him standing over the generals body, clutching the obsidian-gold great axe taken from the corpse. As all under the Devil of the mountain's rule are ordered never to touch an obsidian-gold weapon besides his generals, Urzak was still holding it when Cil met him after raiding the camp and freeing the prisoners, including several Treskoti soldiers that had been enjoying Urzak's company in the cell. Urzak asked to join Cil and his men in the hopes he may stop more of the generals and curb the bloodshed. Eventually Cil was elected into a seat in parliament, due to his extensive and successful military career as well as his charisma and ability to find uses for people often disregarded by the Treskoti nobility. He is now the only known wielder of an obsidian-gold weapon outside the Devil of the Mountain's forces. He currently commands a unit of 45-75 soldiers with 3-5 officers under his command depending on urgency of his objectives and location relative to the scarce supply lines well into the land bridge toward the dark continent where Urzak tries to keep the lines ever pushing forward.


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