Forin Ethnicity in Neternus | World Anvil
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The forin are a race alien to Neternus that several thousand of migrated to after a global war rendered the surface of their planet uninhabitable. They appear humanoid but with pale blue skin, no hair, and four upper body appendages. These look and function similar to human arms, with the upper arms, attached at the shoulders, being much larger, hanging down to mid calf for most, with two fingers and one apposable thumb, typically used for heavy lifting, hauling, and of course combat, the use they likely evolved for. The smaller lower arms protrude close to the front of what would be the bottom of a terran's ribcage. These lower arms have three fingers and a thumb each and have a greater degree of dexterity and wider range of motion for manipulating small objects. While nearly all forin speak common now, their native language is signed using mostly these lower hands with some motions from the upper arms indicating tone.
  While the few forin ships that managed to land safely on Neternus were in Afrea  over 300 years ago, forin have since spread across the continent. The densest populations being slaves in Afrea and soldiers in Fraelorn's army on the dead bridge and holy mountain. Some believe the Forin left on Neternus to be the last alive in the galaxy, though few Forin believe this themselves, as stories are told of the thousands of colony ships leaving their home planet over many years as it's surface was destroyed. The more faithful among them believe that the decendants from one of the more successful of these expeditions will one day come to Neternus and take them to their restored homeworld, or perhaps conquer Neternus for the Forin.


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