Magic of Nerele Physical / Metaphysical Law in Nerele | World Anvil

Magic of Nerele

The world of Nerele is gifted with many types of magical and supernatural power, and their wielders. Arcane and Celestial magic make up the main force of magic wielders of Nerele, with Psionics and supernatural magics making up the bulk of the rest. While functionally similar to arcane and celestial casters, psionic manifestors and supernatural powers function within overlapping spheres of influence. Psionics and psi-like abilities tend to act very much like standard arcane and celestial spells, though psionic powers tend to have a very different approch to similar goals, and with much different casting (manifesting) techniques and quirks. Supernatural abilities on the other hand tend to be similar in effect to arcane, celestial, and psionic effects, but with far less restriction and different reprocussions, dependent on the user.

Arcane Magic

Arcane spellcasters generally oporate on three fundamental principles of learning and casting spells, though there are always outlayers depending on individual class kits. Book casters tend to be defined as those arcane casters who copy spells into spellbooks which they use to memorize a set number each day, limited daily casting, but one could conceivably copy a library worth of spells. Intuative casters are arcane spell wielders who learn a few spells of each level, but have the ability to cast 'ad hock' from their repitoire rather than memorizing specific spells. Living tomb type casters are those whos spells are kept in the mind of a companion, usually a familiar, and memorized or cast 'ad hock' depending on the individuals class kit.
While different styles of casting exist, all arcane casters tend to draw spells from a similar pool of posibilities, though some arcane casters become masters of researching their own signature spells to keep opponents on their toes.

Celestial Magic

Celestial casters (often called divine casters on worlds with gods who grant spells to their followers) are casters who learn to cast the spells of celestial beings. Celestial magic comes in many forms on Nerele, though most adhere to three main branches; Sacred Geometry, Astronomical, or Celestial companionship. Practitioners of sacred geometry code celestial magics they have learned into geometric shapes which become their spells, these spells are stored in books, cards, scrolls or carved into objects worn by the caster. Sacred Geometry spells are cast by reciting the words of power and tracing the shape of the spell in the air (which apears as a glowing rune). Astronomical casters learn to contain celestial magics by coding their spells into constilations of Ellar's celestial bodies, their spells are often woven into fabrics, drawn on pages, or even tattooed on their bodies. Astronomical spells are cast through the use of many enchanted foci, each representing a celestical body, which the caster releases into the air and mentally directs into the correct constellation shape to release the desired spell. Celestial Companion casters are similar to the companion casters of Arcane magic, though their companions are always celestial beings (usually spirits) which represent the casters celestial affinities (domains). Celestial Companion casters store the knowledge of their spells within their celestial friend and draw upon that power when needed, casting their spells directly through the creature.
(See 'new systems' below for details on how divine characters are effected.)

Psionic Power

Psionic manifestors are a group of mentally focused classes that are able to condence their mental energy into powerful effects simply called 'powers'. Psionics are, for the most part, intuitive casters, freely expending their available psionic energy to manifest any power which they are practiced in (known). Manifesting a power requires the expendature of power points, and resaults in both the power taking effect, as well as 'displays' of the manifestors will. The displays are a basic funtion of manifesting, though many manifestors learn to chanel their displays into a single 'tell' which ranges in severity (auditory, material, mental, olfactory, and/or visual) depending on the level of power they manifest.
(See 'new systems' below for details on how displays will work on Nerele)

Bards, Shamen, and Alchemists; Oh My

Some Casters have the ability to draw upon magics from both arcane and celestial bases. These types of casters do also tend to have a different style of casting, though they also closely match the casting of arcane or divine practitioners; performance based spells of the bards (Intuative), spirit magic of the shaman (Companion), or alchemical formule (Book).

Division of Magic

Magical spells and similar effects are always classified by the 'system' in many ways, from level, school, or affinity (domain to duration, targetting, or speed. While most of these spell attributes only matter on a spell to spell basis; the level of a spell creates a division which has wider implications. Spells, powers, and supernatural abilities are broken up into four catagoris:
Simple Magic: These are the lowest grade of spells, powers, and supernatural abilities; Cantrips, Orisans, and Talents make up the primary examples.
Low Magic: The basic spells and abilities used by the denizens of Nerele, 1st to 3rd level spells are catagorized as 'low magic' by the 'system'.
Advanced Magic: More advanced casters and manifestors, and challanging monsters wield 4th to 6th level spells, powers, or other abilities.
High Magic: Some of the most powerful magic which normal heroes and monsters can wield. 7th, 8th, and 9th level spell equivilants are truely powerful.
Note that the 'system' may catagorize many types of abilities based on these designations.

Magic Unleashed

As the world of Nerele is a dangerous place, where adventurers find themselves confronted by dangerous foes any time they leave the realitive safety of their local cities, the 'system' has adjusted the way that magic works for Nereleians. Arcane and Celestial casters have the ability to access a pool of magic power to fuel their spell casting, which if overused can lead to fatigue or worse. This change in magic gives Narellian spellcasters an advantage agaist the threats they face in the world.

Narele uses a simplified version of the Spell Point variant rule for Arcane and Celestial (Divine) spellcasters, with a few tweaks. (Reference the SP rule for spell points per level only, as Nerele doesn't use the additional rules.)
Book casting and Preparation: A caster who uses a spell book, or a variation upon a spell book, will prepare their spells as part of their daily ritual to refresh their spell points. These casters prepare spell slots as normal based on Pathfinder Core rules.
Wizards, witches, and arcanists are prime examples of arcane "book casters", where Clerics and Druids would be examples of "variant book casters". A Cleric who uses Sacred Geometry would need to prepair their spells for the day from their recorded (known) spells, whether this is from a book of symbols, or from a deck of cards or a staff with the symbols upon them. A variant book caster learns new spells in the same way as a wizard, or witch for those with celestial companions.
During the day, a prepared caster can use their spell points to cast any of the spells they have prepared for the day, using their spell points; however, they do not suffer from dissonence. A book caster may switch out a prepared spell by studying their spell book, consulting their spell symbols, or communing with their familiar for 10 minutes per spell level. They must be uninteupted and not performing any strenuous activity.
Book casters may additionally, so long as they are holding their spell storage device, or in contact with their familiar/companion, cast any spell from their stored spell list as a full-round action. Quick draw for spell books?

Metamagic for all

All good spellcasters learn a few metamagic feats throughout their life, and on Nerele it is easier to learn these feats, as well as use them.
Every spellcaster gains a metamagic feat when they put the first rank into the spellcraft skill. They are granted additional metamagic feats as they become more proficient with spellcraft, learning an additional metamagic feat for every three additional ranks they put into spellcraft (1, 4, 7, 10, etc).
Metamagic becomes easier to use with the spell point system on Nerele, with metamagic only increasing the spell point cost of a spell, and not the effective level of the spell. Though this increases the cast time of the spell to a full round action if it is normally a standard action, or adding an additional full round action if it would normally take longer. A first level sorcerer may cast a maximized burning hands by taking a full round action and spending 6 spell points in the casting. The exception to this is quicken, which does not increase the cast time of the spell being modified, but will cost an additional spell point beyond its listed cost (+5 spell points).

Meta-psionics: For psionic characters, they will gain the granted feats as they gain ranks in spellcraft. When using a meta-psionic feat, a psionic character must expend their psionic focus and spend the additional power points listed for the feat. The points spent to apply the meta-psionic feat are not counted against the maximum power points a psionic character may expend on a power. Unlike magic casters, Psionic manifesters do not increase the time it takes to manifest a power when applying a meta-psionic feat, insted expending their focus.

Open pool, Reserve pool, and Burning

Unlike the base rules for spell points, in Nerele there is no seperation of spell point pools. A caster gains a number of spell points based on their level, plus bonus SP based on their casting score (1SP per ability modifier unlike the original rules, the caster gains all bonus spell points for a high ability score at first level (or whichever level the character gains a spell casting class).
Burning is the last ditch of the desperate, or tactical, caster. A caster can burn their own health to continue casting spells in a day, for a limited time. This occurs when the caster has used the last of their spell points, yet continues to cast spells, drawing on their own life force.
Burn: When a caster takes burn, they gain an amount of burn equal to the spell point cost of the spell being cast. When taking burn, the caster must make a Fort save or become fatigued/exhausted/unconscious. They also lose double their current burn from their hit point pool (this counts as non-lethal damage), which will not be restored until the caster is able to rest for 8 hours. Burn and it's subsequent HP loss is not effected by normal healing magic; however, subtract burn first from any temporary hitpoints the caster might have.
Short Rest:
The short rest mechanic for Nerele is a 2 hour rest, which allows spell casters to recover a number of spell points equal to their level plus their primary caster ability score modifier. They do not recover any of their burn during a short rest.
For all adventurers: A short rest will also restore double a character's Con modifier in Hit points, uses of racial spell like abilities, and up to half of a characters Power Points, Arcane Pool, or similar abilities.


New Systems


Celestial Casters

Being a world devoid of gods, Nerele uses different systems for divine caster classes, relabeling them either 'Celestial' or 'Natural' spellcasters. Natural spellcasters are druid type classes, whereas Celestial are all other 'divine' casters. There are three diferent casting systems which these classes will use in place of the old 'granted spells' style of casting. Rather than being granted knowledge of all spells, a celestial caster on Nerele will have to learn new spells, using the same method as wizards. Intuative celestial casters may also choose to have their spell casting represented in one of these ways, though in the case of an intuative celestial caser, like an oracle, the caster has a set number of spells which they have knowledge of and casts spontaneously; using their chosen method to act as their celestial focus.
  Sacred Geometry: Not quite faith, not quite math, sacred geometry is a method which a celestial caster can use to create and cast spells on Nerele. This style tends to function similar to arcane 'book casters', though instead of recording spells as long involved proccesses, sacred geometry allows a celestial caster to record a spell of any level as a single intricate symbol.
Preparation: Each day, the caster will be able to trace the symbols as part of their preparation, dedicating their spell slots to these 'known' spells as normal.
Casting: When casting a sacred geometry spell, the caster will channel the celestial power and draw the symbol in the air. Sacred Geometry spells will always have somatic and visual components (the glowing pattern is the visual), but ignore verbal components (being replaced by the visual). Geometric spells will never require a focus, or simple material components (anything less than 10gp in value).
Treat spells cast by a practitioner of sacred Geometry as being cast with silent spell and eschew materials; but with a max of 10gp of material value. This does not increase the spell point cost of spells cast in this way.
Storage: Geometric spells can be kept in the pages of small books, on playing cards, or detailed scrolls; carved onto weapons, armor, or other carried objects. A geometric casters artistic skills will determine how small they can make their symbols, and thus, how many spells they may record in a given space. Skills such as inscription, caligraphy, or carving become important to geometric casters.
  Astronomical: Sometimes called 'Void watchers', Astronomical spells function similarly to sacred geometry, though they tend to learn spells by tracking the position of celestial bodies in the night sky (planets, astroids, stars). These observences are then coded into unique constellations and recorded for later use as spells.
Preparation: Each day, the caster will reflect on the constellation spells as part of their preparation, dedicating spells to slots as normal from their 'known' spells.
Casting: When casting an Astronomical spell, the caster will quickly reach into a pouch where they keep a large number of enchanted focii (as part of the casting action), each one representing a celestial object, and release these focii into the air. The Focii are enchanted to float/fly as directed and will take the form of a constellation spell with a thought, as soon as the constellation forms, the spell will cast. The celestial body focii will remain 'out' until the caster returns them to their pouch. Consellation spells only have a mental component (detectable by spells and abilities), a minor visual component (a barely visable burst of celestial power; DC18, or DC14 if dark to detect), and only require a verbal component if it is essential to the spell (power word, command, etc). Consellation spells always require their focus, and ignore simple material components (less then 10gp value).
Treat spells cast by an Astronimocal caster as being cast with silent spell and eschew materials; but with a max of 10gp of material value. This does not increase the spell point cost of spells cast in this way.
Storage: Constellation spells are usually recorded by weaving their patterns into fabrics, artistic representations in books, or even artful tattoos upon their bodies.
Celestial Body Focii: A small pouch containing an increasing number of small objects of many materials, which act as Iuon stones at their basic level, though they are mentally controlled by the caster. The path of the objects when at rest, have a natural flow to them, but can be coaxed into motion with a thought. The objects are added to and replaced if lost, mostly durring downtime for the caster, and unless specific materials are desired, at no cost. The Celestial Body Focii have an AC 20, a base hardness of 10 and 5hp each; destroying one of the objects will cause the caster to loose access to one of their spells until the object is replaced.
  Celestial Companions: Some celestial casters attract the attention of, and are able to learn directly from celestials. The celestial companion, at its weakest, is a tiny celestial spirit who can be summoned to the side of the caster when needed, allowing the caster to memorize and cast their 'known' spells. The celestial companion must be present to cast celestial spells, acting as a conduit for the energy, and gain similar benefits to that of familiars. Spells learned by the celestial caster are stored within the mind of the celestial companion and called upon as needed by the caster once 'memorized' each day.
Preparation: Each day, the caster must commune with their companion to prepare spells, dedicating spells to slots as normal.
Casting: When casting a celestial spell with a celestial companion, the caster need only decide on the needed spell and use their empathinc link to channel the required power to fuel the spell. All spells require the celestial companion to be summoned within empathic link range to be cast, while also carrying two additional 'tells'; the mental command for the spell activation, may be noticed by anyone with an active mental detection ability, or by people in the same collective as the caster. Additionally, a small burst of celestial power will travel to either the caster or companion, depending on which is the origin point of the spell being cast, this can be seen by anyone watching the caster by making a perception check (DC18; DC14 if it's dark). Personal range spells will be channeled to the Celestial caster and the companion; while spells with a range of touch or more will originate from the celestial companion.
Treat spells cast by a Companion caster to be cast by the companion rather than the Celestial caster. All spells cast by a Companion caster are treated as having eschew materials up to a value of 10gp. If the Celestial companion is killed, or moved outside of empathic link range, the Companion caster will not be able to cast spells until their companion returns. Storage: A celestial companion caster stores all their spell knowledge within the mind of their companion.
Celestial Companions: The basic companion is a tiny corporeal spirit (elemental, fiendish, angelic, etc), which takes on an appearance appropriate to its type. The basic companion is a familiar that has a flight speed of 30-ft (perfect, Fly +15). The Basic companion can be attacked (base AC15), and has half of the casters HP, but may not attack in return. Basic Companions always act on their masters initiative. If a companion dies, they will reform when the companion caster next prepairs spells.
Advanced Celestial Companions: If the caster gains access to affinities (domain), they may choose to give up one domain selection to empower their companion, making it into a much more formitable creature. Alternativly, if the caster would gain access to an animal companion or cohort from any class ability, they may choose to replace that with this ability. The caster may direct the advancement of their celestial companion as it grows stronger alongside them, making it look like a feirsome beast or angelic warrior. Advanced celestial companions utilize the rules for Unchained Eidolons with the following exceptions:
  • Reduce the number of Celestial Energy points (evolution points) to 1 for every 2 levels.
  • Reduce Max attacks by 2 (max of 5).
  • Subtype must be: Aeon, Agathion, Angel, Archon, Azata, Daemon, Demon, Devil, Elemental, Kami, Kyton, Protean, Radiant, or Void.
  • Companions may be small or medium size when created, though the caster may use Celestial Energy points (evolution points), to increase this.
  • Feats and spells that would normally apply to a summoners Eidolon may be taken/used by a celestial companion caster.

Psionic Tells

Psionic manifestors create their effects by channeling their psionic energy to create the effect of a 'known' power, manifesting. Unlike arcane and divine magic, psionic powers do not have components beyond a mental trigger; rather, when a power is manifested, it is accompanied by a 'power display' (tell). Power displays are normally unique to each power, depending on their level; though many psionic manifestors will focus the display into a common display, usually called a 'tell', that changes in intensity between levels of powers, being unique to the manifestor rather than the power. Depending on the level of the power being cast, an appropriate power display, or unified tell, should be used as follows:
  • Talents and 1st level powers should select a standard single display from one of the lists.
  These can also be used as guidlines to create personal tells for individual manifesters.

Spellbooks are a primary resource for learned spellcasters of Nerele.

Some Celestial casters study sacred geometry, storing the basis of their spellcasting in powerful runes.


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