Nerdbuilding Development Update: Pre-Alpha 0.0.2 in Nerdbuilding | World Anvil

Nerdbuilding Development Update: Pre-Alpha 0.0.2

Nerdbuilding Pre-Alpha 0.0.2 Updates


New Features

  • Settlements now have a distance from the coast (the nearest large body of water with currents) (#17)
  • Settlements can now generate below sea level in the case of coastal lowlands (#21)
  • Fresh and brackish bodies of water now contribute to ground coverage, meaning cover flora can now generate in deserts with suitable water sources (#8)
  • Users can now choose population density in the Addition Options filter dialog. (#13)
  • Feedback Form: Registered users will now have a new button on the Generator page allowing them to send feedback, bug reports, or general messages from the site itself. This probably isn't the most effective way to communicate with us, but we will receive and address messages sent via this form. (#5)
  • When loading a settlement generated in a previous version, it should now be updated to be compatible with the current version of the app. Backward compatibility will be maintained within reason but may not always be guaranteed over very long stretches of time (#16)

Data Changes

  • Started some general database cleanup, improving consistency and hopefully allowing for more efficient code in future
  • Increased index of Wild Animals to offer more variety
  • Increased index of Livestock to offer wider range of mundane livestock

Tweaks and improvements

  • The number of residential buildings are now dependent on the population density as opposed to the other way around. (#14)
  • 'Salt' bodies of water will now be described as 'salty' instead. (#10)
  • Uncommon salinity levels for bodies of water should now be displayed on the overview panel. It is noteworthy that a river is brackish or a sea is briny (too salty to support life), so the information should be presented in a more obvious place. (#7)
  • In response to some feedback, we've added a bit of styling to the information blocks, making them more distinct from one another. (#15)
  • Reduced the chance of a body of water generating as briny (too salty to support life) (#23)
  • Removed the concept of a "latitude zone" seperate from a "temperature zone". Elevation will still adjust temperature, but the climate zone will not change. (#22)


  • A generation error that resulted from users being able to select biomes that should not be possible with Eolian landscapes has been addressed: These biomes are now forbidden by the landform itself, not just the landscapes. (#18)
  • A generation error that could occur when a large settlement is selected and generates in a landscape that would not allow for a large fresh water source has been addressed. (#19)
  • * Some landscapes are meant to only exist in certain climates. This should now be taken into consideration properly. (#6)
  • Fixed distances of several miles in customary displaying as feet. (#20)

Cover image: by Puragan


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