Zalikar in Neffa galaxy | World Anvil


Zalikar, the Lord of Pride and Arrogance, is a fearsome and formidable presence in the world of the infernal planes. His haughty and self-absorbed nature make him a force to be reckoned with, as he believes himself to be superior to all others.   Zalikar is often depicted as a grand and regal figure, with a disdain for those he considers beneath him. He is known for his arrogance and contempt for those who do not meet his lofty standards. However, despite his prideful nature, Zalikar is also a formidable strategist, using his intelligence and cunning to outmaneuver his enemies.   In battle, Zalikar is a formidable opponent, wielding powerful magic and possessing immense strength. His pride often leads him to underestimate his opponents, but his intelligence and cunning make him a formidable foe even when facing seemingly insurmountable odds.   Overall, Zalikar is a devil to be feared and respected. His pride and arrogance may be his downfall, but his intelligence and strength make him a formidable enemy to anyone who dare oppose him. So, be careful if you ever encounter this powerful devil, as his pride may lead him to do things he'll later regret.


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