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Onalasivet (ohn-ahl-AH-see-vet)

Onalasivet is a city unlike any in Maletsok, or even the Empire. Like a puddle in a gravel road, the place is a network of stone structures rising from the muddy sediment-filled waters and filthy marsh of the Zindush delta bay. There are no streets, only dirty canals that web about.

Despite its destitute surroundings, however, the city is undeniably beautiful. The canals are lined by countless boats of countless colours. The stone buildings tightly packed along these canals are built in numerous styles and adorned with more precious metals and gemstones than an average Dwarf would see in its lengthy lifetime. Onalasivet has no walls about it, nor turret or fort to defend it. There are no discernable living districts, for are all equal here. There are only myriad buildings and waterways that all point to the tall blackstone spire at the city's north where it meets the sea. Around the spire is swampland and sea.

It is a beautiful site, for this is the City of the Dead, and the Capital of the Homeland of Malakien the Beautiful, Goddess of Death. In the native-tongue it is called Alakyanchato, or Home of Peace. The spire, legend holds, is the place where Malakien laid the tortured souls of the erruption of Mount Darbreduun to rest, and is a pilgrimage site for the Mariskian Wanderers.



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