Adaren the first Character in Naveen | World Anvil
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Adaren the first

King of Dena

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He was agile and athletic

Body Features

His skin is of a dark white

Facial Features

He wore, for the last years of his life, a beard.

Physical quirks

He is right-handed, and always stands tall and proud.

Apparel & Accessories

He wore red and yellow robes, and a crown made of /WIP\

Specialized Equipment

He was proficient with a spear, but he often kept a sword at his side.

Mental characteristics


He has no bastard, but is said to have had a few mistresses after his wife's death.


He was educated by private teachers hired by his father. He was taught sword fight, strategy, diplomacy, etiquette, and history.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Adaren conquered Almerie, and united with Kefa through marriage.

Failures & Embarrassments

He failed to defend the Kingdom from Tirist

Morality & Philosophy

He considered his people to be his priority, over himself or family. He does not enjoy war, but was always ready for it, since the neighboring kingdoms were pretty aggressive.

Personality Characteristics


He wants the people of Duna to live well, in prosperity and peace.

Personality Quirks

When nervous, he will play with his ring.


Religious Views

He prays various gods

Social Aptitude

He is confident speaking with crowds and lords, but he is unable to communicate with children.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Xiantis, King of Duna
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarvish

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  • 47 BP

    Birth of Adaren the First
    Life, Birth

    More reading
    Adaren the first
    Additional timelines
  • 29 BP

    Declaration of war with Almeria
    Military action

    The casus belli is : the king of Almeria does not treat his citizens well.

    More reading
    Adaren the first
    Additional timelines
  • 28 BP

    Adaren invades Almeria
    Military action

    Adaren conquers Almeria, thus gaining control over the whole desert of Duna.

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    Adaren the first
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  • 10 BP

    Wedding of Adaren and Laerya

    On this day, Adaren married Laerya, thus uniting the Kingdom of Dena, and the city of Kefa.

    More reading
    Adaren the first
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  • 1 BP

    Death of Adaren the First
    Life, Death

    Adaren the First was killed in front of his heir, Adaren Second, by Tirist the Necromancer.

    More reading
    Adaren the first
    Additional timelines