Session Report 67 - Conundrum Report in Nauvitalia | World Anvil
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Session Report 67 - Conundrum

General Summary

"The Dread Sea is the perfect place for a hostage you want to escape. Even if they die they survive. And, that means I don't have to worry too much about breaking them."

Grov's Dilemma

While the rest of the senior crew were having a party with The Phoenix Maiden, Grov pulls Gunther aside. Earlier in the day, he received a message from Conundrum, promising information on Nadarr Hariokv in return for the peaceful handover of Laire. Grov, though he'd never seriously consider doing that to Laire, is worried that Laire's sense of vengeance will stop Grov from being able to get the information he so desperately needs. He and Gunther discuss this and consider all possible options, including illusory copies of Laire, mind-reading Conundrum, and other ways to obtain the information. They conclude the Helm of Thought Detection will be the best means by which to approach the situation.
Grov is very hesitant to tell the rest of the senior crew, especially since he doesn't want to come off as being anything but on side with Laire. He wavers for quite a bit, until Gunther pushes him to at least tell the captain, who immediately calls the rest of the senior crew to hear it since he recognizes that keeping it hidden would cause more of an issue. Laire is angry that it took Grov nearly a day to be willing to tell this, especially given that Alberdark is only a couple of hours away. The group reconsiders their approach, and decides to anchor up and approach Alberdark in the morning, taking the time to prepare the appropriate spells and solidify their plan.  

The Devils & The Details

The following morning, a tense crew arrives at Alberdark. It has begun to rain lightly, small drops making endless minuscule ripples in the waters of the ocean, and soaking the already dark soil of Alberdark to a near-black colour. Using air magically created by Ramone, he, Locke, and Gunther hide in the bag of holding, which Grov carries. Laire is placed in chains and gagged (willingly) so that the group might extract the information about Nadarr. They proceed to the forest, where the agreed-upon meeting spot lies. Conundrum informed Grov that an associate would be there to pick up Laire and give the information.
Grov looks around, seeing nothing at first. Above him, a branch snaps. A winged figure - a proper devil - swoops down, hovering some feet above the two. He instructs Grov to further chain Laire, then to leave him on the ground, where another devil will deal with him. The devil begins to fly away, trying to lead Grov to the edge of the forest, where he promises to give Grov the paper containing information on his father. At this point, Grov knows if he goes through with the exchange, he'll be sacrificing Laire, so he opens the bag of holding, and challenges the devil. Gleefully, it lights the paper with the information on it on fire, burning it to ash almost instantly. A chain devil which Grov failed to notice emerges from the trees.
The rest of the senior crew springs from the bag and frees Laire. With some effort, the chain devil is killed, and the flying devil is forced to retreat. However, this encounter drains the group of a significant amount of resources, and several spells are used over the course of the fight.  

The Elusive Conundrum

Approaching Conundrum's house, which lies at the foot of a forested bluff, the group can see that the fleeing devil landed and left footprints, leading to the locked front door. Ramone detects the presence of defensive magic, which will protect the house from break-ins. Locke uses his telepathy to unlock to front door, which he reasons won't trigger the defenses. The flying devil throws a brick through a window on a higher story, with a note attached, reading "Come inside, we can just talk". Locke, Grov, and Gunther are quick to head inside. Lair and Ramone follow behind, but more slowly. The glyphs activate as a result of the broken window, creating a magical barrier around the house - sealing Laire and Ramone out and the rest in. Locke is forced to use some extra magic to get the two into the house safely.
Conundrum calls out to the group from the basement, urging them to consider taking a bribe and avoiding a fight. The group refuses, and Gunther lunges for the stairs, with Locke and Grov closely behind him, and Laire in quick tow. Conundrum can't be seen, as he has consumed an invisibility potion. When enough people have descended the stairs, he releases a deadly magical gas, which sweeps over the group. Another chain devil is also present in the basement, and many chains animate around the group, attacking wildly. Ramone holds back on the stairs while the rest of the group tries their best to deal with the deadly wizard. Locke is almost killed by the gas, and Gunther takes significant damage. Grov attacks the chain devil furiously, while Gunther tries his best to unload on the invisible Conundrum, hitting a few shots and missing just about as many.
Conundrum casts a powerful lightning spell, which hits all but Ramone and Grov and sends (literal) shockwaves. Laire is knocked to the ground, and the rest barely power through. Ramone, seeing that the fight might be lost without him, holds his breath through the poison cloud and moves to heal the group. He then uses what magic remains to finish off the chain devil, which looked like it was about to seriously injure him or Locke.
Seeing the chain devil fall, Conundrum retreats using a magic familiar to Locke. The party takes a few seconds to recuperate, then dash upstairs, where the group senses Conundrum has gone.  

A Final Stand

The group charges in to find the flying devil has downed several healing potions and is ready for some more battle. Conundrum, too, seems ready to deal with the group. The battle rages on. Laire falls once more. Gunther strikes hard and fast against the flying devil, who retaliates in turn. Conundrum sends forth surges of magic in an assault against the group. Grov finishes off the flying devil, knocking it over the head instead of a simple killing blow, then moves to Conundrum, who, at this point is seriously injured.
While he does not wish to leave his home to be ransacked, Conunudrum visibly begins making preparations to teleport away. Ramone, with iron in his veins, shoots forth an arrow of light from his tattoo, which stops the wizard just before he can finish his spell. He, too, is rendered unconscious.  


Before killing either, Gunther uses the helm in collaboration with Laire and Grov in order to extract as much information as possible from the devil and the mage.
Conundrum is a Farvian who, as he thinks of it, "works for a guy who works for a guy who works for a guy who works for a guy who works for Ego." The reason why he captured Laire was simple: Farvia wishes to start a war between Harpsbilge and Timberwelsh. Capture Laire and frame it on the Harps. That would be a major diplomatic incident, and combined with other operations would surely be enough to fan the flames.
Laire was held in The Dread Sea for two reasons: he is disincentivized from killing himself, and even if he does he will return and be able to somehow spread his story. Apparently, Conundrum has used The Dread Sea like this more than once and holds some kind of alliance with the dread lord of the region, Ssnalbathar.
Atlas, the other prominent figure in Laire's capture, is some kind of insurgent Harp. Conundrum does not know his true identity, as he always wears a white mask. He has white hair. Little else is said about him, save that Ego bribed him well to work with them.
Nadarr Harikov is possibly an associate of Captain Steel, and Farvia has been tracking several such people, with Nadarr being a figure of lesser importance. He is allegedly working as a tailor and is known to have made a visit to Wathershend Place a month ago.  


With nothing left to gain from him, Laire grasps Conundrum's neck and squeezes, necrotic energy welling at his fingertips until the man's skill gives a sickening crack and collapses into his spine. Conundrum is dead, and as he stands up, a sudden wave of dizziness washes over Laire. It takes him several moments to recover. Half of his revenge is complete, but there is more work to be done.
Report Date
23 Oct 2023


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