Session Report 11 - The Isle of Mad Cannoneers Report in Nauvitalia | World Anvil
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Session Report 11 - The Isle of Mad Cannoneers

General Summary

"Crowguns, when placed in the right hands, are some of the most terrifying weapons of war yet to be constructed."
-Orwight Moonshine, Gnomish Engineer

What To Do With the Fobbledoofs

Now confronted with the Fobbledoof brothers on an understaffed Fluyt, the Crew of The Driftwood quickly climbs aboard and starts to subdue the crew before Greg promptly surrenders. The Fobbledoofs seem eager to trade ships, which warrants closer inspection of the fluyt. It becomes apparent that the ship has been heavily damaged, and that it is almost entirely without supplies. After guffawing for a bit, the Fobbledoofs let slip that the fluyt is being targeted by Grinnin' Lazzo, one of The Five Kings of the Six Seas. Gunther decides the best course of action is simply to salvage some good wood from the ship and then leave it to the sea, taking the Fobbledoofs and their crewmates with them until Port Rose. Chuck and Gunther ensure that the brothers are gagged, as the entire crew considers them a bother.  

To the Isle of Mad Cannoneers

After another few hours of journeying, The Driftwood makes it to The Isle of Mad Cannoneers, which rests near the southern edge of The Green Sea. The isle is small, half a mile across at its widest point, and holds a rocky jag in its middle, too small to be called a mountain but large enough to need scaling. Atop the jag is what seems to be a village, and the crew agrees that this is likely where the cannoneers hold their treasure.
The crew decides that it is best to rest and wait for the night before approaching a village, ideally with stealth. At two in the morning Chuck, Locke, Ramone, Gunther, and Laire take rowboats out to the isle, leaving Grov alongside the rest of the crew since he is still angry that the party didn't prioritize Troll Island where there is a person in need.
The party sees a path through the forest which leads to the village but decides to creep through the forest so as to remain unseen. Soon, they hear some scouts heading down the path who are supposedly checking for intruders. Realizing they once again forgot to cache their rowboats, the crew ambush the scouts so that the village's alarm won't be raised, tying them to trees once they are unconscious.
The party eventually reaches the base of the rocks, but as Chuck is a krulker, he cannot scale the side. The party decides it's faster to just follow the path up instead of finding another route.  

Courage, Casualties, and Crowgunners

The path rises above the treeline, and the party creeps cautiously forward. However, despite their best attempts at stealth, they are spotted. A gunshot rings out as Gunther is struck hard by a crowgun shot, though he remains standing. The crew splits their attention; Locke and Laire begin to scale the cliff for a direct path towards the sniper, while the rest of the party moves up the path to make it into the village.
Laire scales the cliff with incredible speed and manages to draw the gunner's attention while dealing some damage to him. Locke casts a spell and sets the sniper's tower alight, causing him to flee to the ground and destroying a cache of crowgun bullets in the process. Meanwhile, Chuck rounds the corner to the gates to the village to be met with a row of cannons all loaded with rocks to substitute grapeshot. Chuck survives the barrage and begins to slash away at the cannoneers, who prove very fragile. Ramone scales the cliff before the cannons and enters the village over the fence. Meanwhile, Gunther trails behind Chuck, providing cover fire.
The leader of the cannoneers appears before Locke and Laire. She is a suave woman with frostbite scars, and when asked she claims not to have an Eye of The Storm. Laire casts a command spell which makes her run away for a bit, and he and Locke try their best to take out the sniper before she can return. Unfortunately, the sniper is sturdy, but Locke manages to distract him with an illusory copy of himself, and the sniper wastes a shot hitting the illusion. The commander returns and begins to attack Laire, who retreats over the fence but is pursued. Meanwhile, Chuck finishes off the cannoneers and bursts through the village gates to find several brigands waiting for him with cutlasses in hand. Ramone makes his way there too, healing Chuck to keep him fighting. Chuck is eventually knocked out but manages to survive, and the other two take out the remaining brigands.
Now on their last legs, the remainder of the crew rush to finish off the sniper and then the commander, with who Laire has been fighting hand to hand with surprising efficacy for a bard who lacks physical strength. Laire too is knocked unconscious, but Ramone kills the commander before she can do more harm.  

Stone Heart of a Dragon

The crew of The Driftwood recovers from the fight and heals their wounds. They begin to explore the village. Gunther takes the crowgun from the sniper and what little ammo he has on him. The village also has a moderately large stock of rations and lumber, both of which the party takes for their own.
The village's largest building has no roof, and it is home to the skeletal remains of a dragon and the brigands who died killing it. The dragon, most likely a white one in life, curls around a small horde of gold, silver, art objects, and two magic items; magic bindings to hold almost any prisoner, and a stone heart. The heart, which is the size of a head, once belonged to the dragon, and Chuck relays a legend to the party.  
When dragon’s hearts do turn to stone
The cause of it is seldom known
But listen close, I’ll tell a tale
Pay attention afore we set sail     Trapped on an aisle of dragon and gold
A matey stood afraid but bold
On the isle had he been marooned
His body coated in many a wound   Never had the dragon he managed to slay
Would he again be injured in the fray
Nay, he had a plan that day
To climb atop the dragon’s hide
Mehearty was found afore he even tried
The dragon roared, the matey cried
This would be the day that one of them died   The matey charged with spear in hand
And to his surprise the blow did land
He killed the dragon where it stand
The dragons hide it fell to sand
And all that were left were dragon’s bones
And a blackened heart that were made of stone   And though he could have let it be
He threw the heart into the sea
Though the wind had blown his way
He had sealed his fate that day
The matey threw his life away   When he searched for dragon’s gold
All he found was hurt and cold
Soon beneath the waves would he sleep
For towards his ankles did waters creep
And his final scream was but a peep
As the sailor sunk into the deep     A heart of stone, a dragon’s soul
Beyond its death it has a role
For great power does it contain
Dragons be nothing if not arcane   Stone hearts are born of magic bright
In a dragon resilient in its last fight
It bears a dragon’s soul, a dragon’s might
But be weary, so too does it carry spite     Now you have heard of this sad tale
Use care and do not fail
Hold tight to your heart of stone
Lest toward the sea that it be thrown

On Towards Booty Island

After a day of recovery and moving their spoils to The Driftwood, the crew once again raises the anchor and sets sail for Booty Island, where they believe they will find buried treasure.
Report Date
27 Aug 2022


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