Crew Morale in Nauvitalia | World Anvil
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Crew Morale

Crew Morale

The morale of a crew can vary greatly depending on the quality of the leadership, the pay, and the successfulness of the ship’s objectives. A crew given extra time to relax might have particularly good morale, whereas one plunging into unreasonable danger will have poor morale.
The morale of a crew is represented as an ability score ranging from 1 to 20 (and occasionally higher) with the same modifiers as with normal ability scores. This modifier is applied to every attack roll and saving throw made by the ship and its components, effectively acting as the ship’s proficiency bonus (or penalty).
A new crew starts with a morale of 10 (+0), which may vary depending on special circumstances. There are various ways to raise or lower morale.  

Raising Morale

Extra Pay - A crew paid by the day can be given 50% or more extra pay for a week. The ship morale increases by 1. This can only be done once every 30 days.
Success - When the ship achieves a major success, the Captain or First Mate can make a Charisma (Persuasion) check with a DC equal to the crew’s current morale. On a success, the morale increases by 1 or 2, as decided by the DM.
Rousing Speech - The Captain or First Mate may spend an hour making a rousing speech to a crew with a morale lower than 10. They make a Charisma (Persuasion) check with a DC equal to 20 - crew morale. On a success, the crew morale increases by 1. This can only be done once every 10 days.
Time Off - When a ship is docked at a port and the crew has little to no responsibilities, the ship morale increases by 1 for every 5 days spent resting, up to a maximum of 14.  

Lowering Morale

In the event that one of the following scenarios occurs, the Captain or First Mate must make a Charisma (Persuasion) check with a DC of 17 minus the crew morale modifier. If this check fails, the crew morale falls by 1.
Imminent Danger - If the crew is aware that they are going to be in serious danger.
Overwork - If the crew is overworked to the point of exhaustion.
Mismanagement - If a significant disease spreads, food begins to run out, or the ship suffers significant, easily avoidable damage.
Failure - If the ship faces significant failure in an important task not covered in the above topics.


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