Cael Comraich Geographic Location in Natia | World Anvil
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Cael Comraich

Cael Comraich or Vevendel as it is known in common tongue is the largest island on the western side of The Great Divide, it is also said to be one of the most beautiful islands in the west too. It encompasses a wide range of biomes due to the size and location of the island with much of its land being fertile due to both the river systems that spread across the island, and the giant volcano occupying the center of the island known as Cridhe Teine to the Elves and Heart of Vevendel in common.   It was originally occupied by the Elves and seen as one of their most sacred places however numerous events caused a reduction it the islands population until eventually all that was left were a few small de-centralised settlements that would slowly die out one by one. Those who tried settling the lands since have had little success and those that have struggle to this day.   As of the current era the island is inhabited mostly by beasts, bandits and cultists, those being the only things able to survive the untamed lands.


Not much is currently known about hte islands history, however elven records claim the island was claimed by them as early as the 8000s BGD, claiming its strong connection to Cael Ha'lan as reasons for its great importance amongst the elven people for 1000s of year.   Many Temples and shrines were erected on these lands which is why many of these still litter the landscape in caves and hinterlands.   At some point around the Coming of the Dragon Lords most of the Elves that settled the island were no longer there, with no records as to why they abandoned such a sacred place or where they moved to, it is currently one of the greatest mystery in Daemons.   Currently those who try to settle the island struggle and there are no solid records of surviving settlements.
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