NaNoWriMo 2022 Opening Statements in NaNoWriMo | World Anvil

NaNoWriMo 2022 Opening Statements


Obviously the main goal is to end up with a fairly workable draft of a manuscript with a length of 50,000 words. Beyond that, because I already have a detailed outline/first draft with commentary from a sensitivity reader I would like to incorperate the feedback I recieved and organize my thoughts a little better as I go into this challenge.

Another big goal is to avoid burning out, to this end I've informed my loved ones to not expect much participation from me while I'm writing. I will be setting up writing hours for myself and doing my best to stick to them and avoid interruptions. Avoiding burnout is also important because I'll need fuel in the tank to switch gears for Worldember and take on my big plans for major world building in Sleyterra.

Stretch Goals

Lets go big for the stretch, anything over 50,000 words would be fantastic, but the stretch goal is 90,000-100,000 words. Big numbers that are scary but could be doable considering the extensive work I've already managed to do on my project. Next on the stretch goal list is editing. I'd like to have some basic editing done and encourage you to let me know if there are sections where grammar is questionable, repetition is rediculous, typos have snuck in, or any other issues you see in the work that drastically affect the quality.

Prep Goals

These are less related to the actual NaNo goals I have, but no less important. I want to be able to do some basic world building for the setting of The Mit and The Billows, including but not limited to: town names, natural landmarks in the main town setting, Arded's family's names ages and secret things not to be mentioned here, sort out Love's past, and create a better map of where the story is going and how it develops.

Engagement Goals

I want to engage with my readers. I want to hear opinions, thoughts, questions, things you like, things you hate, things that need work, everything! I like to make the effort to reply to comments made on my articles and works, I take your observations seriously and they help to alleviate my own insecurities like: is this too obvious? how will they interpert this? does this lead them to the right conclusions? So please let me know what you think!

Author's Note:

While I have had a sensitivity reader go though the first rough draft of this story I may still make errors and I want to be able to nip them in the bud as soon as possible. If you see something problematic, confusing, or just plain wrong, please feel free to speak up and know that I will listen.

First Draft

I am not starting from zero, thank goodness (and I commend anyone who is) so if you are interested in where I am starting off from check out the story so far.

by RandoScorpio
Nano here! Goals are important but mental health is more important. Goals can be changed and shifted as we go to accommodate our needs. Try not to stress and remember you have all the control in the world over your creative project! Good luck!


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