The Ironpot Building / Landmark in Naneth | World Anvil
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The Ironpot

"The Ironpot, a quiet and ominous reminder of those frightful years. The years where you couldn't walk the roads without taking an arrow to the back." - Bael Borgrif, Retired Astoran Post Worker   The Ironpot, once a watchtower, is now a ruin. It lies in its state of disrepair on the edge of the Vilmyr Plains, on the edge of the Westland River. Though it's stood empty for many years, it occasionally sees use as a desperate shelter for travellers or a hideout for criminals.   At its peak, The Ironpot stood almost 200 feet tall, the largest of Astora's watchtowers that had been built in the years before the The Ironwood War. The width of the tower was wide enough that many corridors and rooms could be tucked within. Below the tower lay a basement with several storage rooms and a dungeon. The tower itself could be used as a shelter for a sizable platoon of Astoran soldiers.  


  Construction of the watchtower began in AoR 352, as Astora expanded from coast to coast. It would be built as a joint effort between Astoran human labourers, with help from Marklund dwarves. It would quickly be completed and officially saw use as an Astoran military outpost by AoR 354.  
A Watchful Eye
  As the years drew on and tensions between Astora and the Ironwood Kingdom grew hot, the watchtower became an increasingly important outpost for Astora. It would become responsible for keeping watch over the western stretch of the Astoran Road and additionally act as an early warning for any possible elven encroachments into the Vilmyr Plains.   It was during this time that the watchtower earned its nickname "The Ironpot", as its garrisons found themselves often and only looking out towards the forest. The name would stick, and though it was never made official in any capacity, even Astoran brass would refer to it as such.  
  In AoR 408, the Ironwood Kingdom launched a massive assault against Marklund, later known as the Battle of Marklund. The Ironpot would become the battle's first casualty, as elven forces moved quickly to neutralize the watchtower before word of their massing could be sent to Marklund. The Ironpot would fall quite quickly, with a small garrison in comparison to the Ironwood's forces. Yet, the watchtower had done its job as word reached Marklund before the elves did, giving the dwarves of the city ample time to prepare.  
The Redbrands
  By AoR 608, The Ironpot served as a hideout for the infamous bandit group known as The Redbrands. From here, the gang would prey upon travellers making for Haven or Marklund, often taking prisoners for ransom or looting and murdering outright.   The Redbrands would be wiped out by Sun's Song of AoR 608, as the group had been found guilty of aiding in the Kimberly Massacre, an attack where dozens of innocents lost their lives. The Ironpot was attacked by a group known as The Lanterns; adventurers that looked to avenge the citizens of Kimberly. The Redbrands and their leaders found themselves quickly overmatched and were either killed or driven away.
Type: Ruin   Location: Central Astora   Years Active: AoR 354 - 408

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