Nalyth The History of Xaviir Timeline
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The History of Xaviir

Conquest, loss, kingdoms and memory; the story of how Death became Queen of the Elderlands.

  • 469 OT

    The tears of Ashrovan
    Military action

    The conquest of Xaviir and the end of the last kingdom of dwarves under the sun.

  • 280 OT

    The Curse of Yan
    Religious event

    The gods abandoned them to their own volition, abandoned them to sands and ash.

  • 0 OT

    The Lost Nation of Khelandria
    Disaster / Destruction

    When the world was cleansed, Khelandria was no more

  • 3 NT

    360 NT

    The Clan Wars
    Military action

    In the ashes of Saldanha there was war, betrayal, and finally unity.

  • 20 NT

    360 NT

    The Rovani Clan

    A people lost between two nations in ruin

  • 30 NT

    The Days of Mist

    The horn was sounded and mists fell upon Kheltar; the river Saldanha runs rapids while the mist Khelandria yet fills the skies.

  • 100 NT

    120 NT

    The Mantis Migration
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Mantis turned their gaze from the Elderlands to the Azure Sea and left Xaviir behind.

  • 290 NT

    The Reckoning
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The ashlands and the elderlands, yin and yang, life and death. They seldom remember and few even can, for it was the power of a memory that changed them.

  • 320 NT

    360 NT

    The Glory Days

    When steel clashed to steel and the eyes of the fallen were turned away, the Black Flags rose. But as it is when treacherous seas come to land, the waves will fade and it was when peace finally came at the rise of the Phoenix that the Sea Princes vanished.

  • 368 NT

    5 /13

    The Rise of the Phoenix
    Civil action

    The sequence that ended the Clan Wars of the three hundred years