Session 1: Called Upon in Nakut'yun | World Anvil

Session 1: Called Upon

We started this story in a chase scene between Gizmo and Katan after Gizmo stole something precious from Katan. This chase led them into Underhand Alley. As Gizmo ran from the gaining Katan he chose to run along tables set up with trinkets. After an unforunatly high stack of plates Katan was within grabing distance, when Gizmo gave up the chase and grovled offering his new found shiny. After getting his possesions and a verbal lashing Katan and Gizmo are approached by a figure towering over them. Natrissa having heard the commsion came over to see what was going on, only to be told that it was all in good fun. They interacted a bit and Gizmo mentions that hes looking for a local inn. Natrissa the guides both boys, stooped down to have a hand on each of their sholders to the front of Second Life Inn.


As they turn the corner they crash into a small gnome, Dahlia, and end up in an unfortunate dog pile. After getting up and dusting off they convers for a short bit before they all begin to viberate and their hair stands on ends. The people who have lived in Khan, Natrissa, Gizmo, and Katan, recognize this feeling as a telltale sign that a lightning eruption was about to happen. The three drop to the ground.

The world needs you. For you are the one to change the tides of the past. Find the last raven. Shrouded in darkness consumed by remorse, in a place surrounded by fire. Bring them to the light, help them find their peace and be gifted a better life. You are truly our last hope.
An ancient and weak voice said. Dahlia recogized this voice as her first friend, Namu-Nii. From there it is decided that the group needed to head to the Healer's of Her Return, with a very hesitant Natrissa.


From there, Katan and Dahlia went inside to talk to the Abbot about what they had expierneced. The Abbot, a usually stoic man, seemed to be in utter shock and told them that this is a path they must persue. The two made their way over to the Seeker, Elder Shazma, an antient human. The mute man pointed them to an old leather bound book with a giving tree crest on it. This book was a dairy from who Katan inffered to be a kenku. With in this diary it described an impossible journey that this being was being sent on. The two infered that this was the last being to have been sent on a mission by Namu'Nii but they died. After Katan told Dahlia about this kenku she remembered hearing a rumor that there was supposably a Kenku at a circus in Z'nja. Durning this revolation Natrissa and Gizmo were out in the court yard getting wasted on a keg courteously given to them by Katan and having fun tramatizing a young monk girl.


After collecting supplies for this perilous journey they stop to steele their minds and commit to this adventure. Dahlia lightens the spirit with a fighting song on her Lute.

Characters Met


Katan LightBringer


Abbot Grabau Posco

Elder Shazma