Azra Species in Nadir | World Anvil
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"There are angels in our midst, and they're annoying as hell!"
Emotional and Beautiful, the Azra's dragonic roots make them too alien to be Human and too Human to be anything else. Thier White hair, pale skin and Sparkling eyes make them brilliant gems in the dull ruins of Nadir, for better or for worse.

Basic Information


Azra look very similar to thier close cousins, the Xin . They are naturally lithe, not particularly tall, and have a fast metabolism. Two things, however, distinguish them from other Vassan: thier gem-like eyes and White hair. An Azra's eyes shines bright against light, and produce a unsaturated hue, unlike most Vassan Eyes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Can reproduce with other Vassan. The Azra gene is dominant in most pairings.

Growth Rate & Stages

While maintaining a human-like schedule (7-8 hours of sleep), the Azra can live for a long time.

Ecology and Habitats

Although they are fairly resistant to extreme weather, they prefer warm and humid environments. Azra tribes like to hold festivals in the rain, as the water and shade emphasizes thier brilliance.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While Azra are omnivores, they tend to favour large amounts of vegetables and grains in thier meals. They eat more than other Vassan, but maintain thier diminutive form.

Biological Cycle

The Azra can hibernate for 4 month periods, this hibernation ages them very little. This hibernation has very little biological function, as Azra are not prone to extreme weather, and most only hibernate in exteme circumstances.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Gem-like eyes

Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Hearing, Sight (with limited darkvision), Touch, Taste, and Smell

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Azra prefer names that start with a vowel, typically A's

Beauty Ideals

Azra are mesmerized by bright colors and a sense of bodily perfection. In other Azra, they find beauty in the eyes. Beauty, however, often plays a very small part in thier actual relationships.

Courtship Ideals

Azra typically enjoy flirting, and courtship with them tend to be short and fiery. They don't tend care too much about physical appearance, but do care about how others hold themselves.

Relationship Ideals

Azra are natually faithful once they decide on a partner(s). However, they are prone to envy, and don't take betrayal very well. Most are fine with polyamorous relationships, but can't stand infidelity.

Common Dress Code

Never caught without at least a small splash of color, Azra take pride in thier appearance. While the wasteland affords them little chance to wear what they want, any self-respecting Azra will jump at the chance to don a brilliant coat or a flowing dress. When practicality demands it, Azra will decorate thier armors and overalls with paints and colored cloth.

RPG Datasheet

Class Restrictions. Azra cannot be Wizards.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma Score is Increased by 2, and your constitution is increased by 1.
Alignment. Most Azra are neutral, and don't tend toward any alignment.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 ft.
Darkvision. Inherited from your strange ancestry, you have superior vision in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades tinted in your eye color.
One Eye Open. Unlike most creatures, Azra never require deep sleep. While sleeping, you're condition is considered stunned instead of unconscious. In addition, you may wake up as a bonus action.

Red Eyed Azra

As a Red-eyed Azra, you have a knack for grace and finesse. Your body can move in ways that rival only the Ushtei, and you're inclined to use that flexibility.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexerity Score is Increased by 2.
Body as Art. You have proficiency in the Acrobatics Skill
Nimble Form. You have advantage on saving throws against spells and abilities that would inflict the restrained condition on you.

Blue Eyed Azra

The Blue Eyed Azra are the most common of the Azra. Your amiable nature make a good first impression, and your beauty puts all others to shame.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma is increased by 1, and your intelligence is increased by 1.
Alluring Gaze. You cannot have disadvantage when making a charisma check while the other party can see your eyes.
Helpful Tricks. You know the Thaumaturgy and the Prestidigitation cantrip


Green Eyed Azra

As a Green Eyed Azra, you have plenty of knowledge and skills usable in the harsh world. Your resiliency allows for you to be a boon to your companions.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution Score is Increased by 1, and your Wisdom is increased by 1.
Ready for Anything. You have proficiency in the Survival Skill, and your carry weight is increased by 15 lb.
Out in the Wild. You have proficiency in all simple weapons, and know the Druidcraft cantrip.


White Eyed Azra

Your natural instincts and abilities incline you to help others. You may be more reserved than other Azra, but you won't let that miss out on an opportunity to help the hurting.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom is increased by 2.
Help the Wounded. You know the Guidance cantrip, as well as the Cure Wounds spell. You cast this spell at 1st level, and cannot use it again until the end of the next long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it.
Born Doctors You have proficiency in the herbalist kit, as well as the Medicine skill.

Azra and Magic

Azra views magic as a means to an end, a tool to satisfy thier needs. Many use thier magical gifts to make themselves prettier, clean themselves, or put on shows. Azra don't like war magic, and prefer illusions to fireballs. If they must, that fireball better look flashy.
170 Years
Average Height
1.4 - 1.8 meters
Average Weight
35 - 60 kg
Average Physique
Slender, can be fit, but not particularly strong.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pale, or a pale hue of any color. Some Azra love to adorn thier pearly skin with bright tattoos, while others refuse to let them mar thier perfect bodies.

Cover image: by Jim Wu


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