Ibn Safiq Ab Dahud Character in Na'Endreth | World Anvil

Ibn Safiq Ab Dahud

Ibn Safiq Isfahndiaray

Ibn Safiq is a full member of the Aspis Constorium, with significant interests in Oplio Province, as well as across western Praes and even beyond. Opium from his poppy fields is sold in the streets of Sanctil, and opals from his mines grace the jewels of the dignitaries of the high houses in Arkglenn. Ibn Safiq has a sense for the markets, almost supernaturally so, but the core of his business is in the traditional strongholds of Aspis- luxury goods, grain and drugs. He has a reputation as an honest merchant, perhaps unusually so for a consortium member. It's not that he shies away from having his business rivals assassinated, or strongarmed out of business, but a combination of superb timing and significant assets allow him to push is competitors out of the way without resorting to violence.   Safiq is tall for a Sasscaid human, remarkably handsome and personable. Some let his gender, pretty face and opulent wardrobe obfuscate the keen mind that lurks behind those gorgeous amber eyes.


Family Ties

Ibn Safiq is married, and very fond of his husband, Dahud ab Safiq. The two are a love marriage, and Dahud retired from a promising career as an Imperial paladin to marry Safiq.

Wealth & Financial state

Ibn Safiq has wealth beyond measure for most men, trading in quantities valued by the talent of silver, and extensive and diversified investments. He personally owns a small fleet of trading dromons, and caravans on most of the western Imperial heartland. Despite his wardrobe, Ibn Safiq maintains only a handful of residences- a country manor in Ctezibond, a modest palace in Harbourhead and a fortified carvanserai in the Khurai steppes.
Current Location
Black, often kept in intricate dreadlocks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Brown
5' 11'
Aligned Organization


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