Hobgoblins Species in Na'Endreth | World Anvil


Hobgoblins are the original goblinoid. The Hobgoblins were created as a means of war by the Gods. Their history is filled with hardship and victory. Their people breaking free from the Gods early on propelling their way through history free but tied to the shadows of their past.   Hobgoblin blood is irradated to the point of being the consistency of black tar. Their entire existence is painful, and agoning making their cunning intellect, and discipline even more impressive. While their existence is not contagious the radiation drives them to strip the land of recources at an alarming rate befor moving on to the next home a decade later just to survive.   This life style drives the carnivorous Hobgoblins to an existence of war, and martial discipline. Living in iron keeps to stave off depletion of the near by land. A by product of this lifestyle earns them the reputation of warmongers, a perception that is all to often embraced by Hobgoblin tribes for survival, embracing qualities such as anger, entitilement, and strength.   Some Hobgoblins are blessed with the mysterious magic of hemocraft, an ancient magic that has allowed them control over blood, and the ability to engineer the destiny of goblinkin evolution. This power having been stollen from the crashed wreckage of a fallen god in ages past. Those who possess it often become warchiefs charged with guiding their people in battle.

Basic Information


Hobgoblins have a redish/ orange hue to their skin attributed to the toxic black blood running through their veins. As carnivors they possess long sharp teeth that grow in throughout their life. Hobgoblins also possess sharp dense bones, and and enlarged sensory organs.

Ecology and Habitats

The longer a hobgoblin tribe stays in one area the more desolate it becomes. In order to get by Hobgoblins plow through an areas natural recources. Often quicker than he land can replenish it.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Hobgoblins, as with all other goblinkin cannot eat anything other than meat without getting sick.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Hobgoblins can see infrared in the dark, they have enhanced hearing, and an excellent sense of smell.
5'6" Weight: 190
5'8" Weight: 210

Articles under Hobgoblins


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