Gith Colonists Organization in Na'Endreth | World Anvil

Gith Colonists

Long ago, in a time before humans took their first steps on Na'Endreth, the Gith civilization reigned supreme. The Gith were a powerful race of beings who unlocked the secrets of soul magic. Hailing from a dead world beyond the Overgod of Nibiru before it was closed and caged off. Trapped and forever isolated the Gith took it upon them selves to build a new life for themselves using the other beings as cattle. It was not long before their efforts shifted to survival however for the Obyrith born also found2 their way into the world creating unwelcome chaos into the lives they made. Impersonating gods the Colonists experimented on the others of the world in hopes to reboot their once great civilization never quiet succeeding especially with the dangers presented by the other god like beings.   The Gith were morally questionable beings blinded by hubris and desperation to preserve their dying culture. They built their new identities on the subjugation and manipulation of the human genome, ultimately suffering for it. Their quest to save their own however failed thanks to internal conflict based on the morality of how they treated the humanity. In the modern era their god hood has been further exaggerated and distorted through the lies of history. The fools that worship them further contributing to the charade with the supply of souls.   Considering the difficulty involved in actually killing a God, each of the Gith have been subsequently trapped in dimensional prisons called [url]Goddeath where their ability to interact with the outside world has been reduced to patronage and dominion.


The Gith colonists have a sciencocracy of sorts. Considering their origins are stemmed from a refugee ship its no surprise they operated at least at first with professional org chart hierarchy.


Gith culture leans heavily on the use of souls to activate magic. This need combined with the desire to survive drove them to subjugate and grow humans for experimental use.
Religious, Pantheon


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