Gatorei Species in Na'Endreth | World Anvil


Gatorei are spread across the world, usually, but not often gathering based on family groups. It's hard to generalize a culture around them- the Marisi people in Bander are cannibalistic, and live in small family groups in the forest, while the Marsuul in Praes are famed as merchant princes. They tend, broadly, to be competent warriors, that make use of their natural (comparatively larger) strength and claws to good effect.

Basic Information


Leonin stand about 6-7 foot, on average, although particularly tall Leonin have stood over 8 feet, and are often rippling with corded muscles. They are hermaphroditic, possessing a set of genetalia that I'm not describing precisely because I'm not fucking describing furry genitals, go to furaffinity you goddamn pervert. They also have a set of large, ~.5" retractable claws on both arms and feet, although the claws on the feet are generally rather smaller. They have broad, thick manes, framing broad, flat feline faces. They have large canines, but their teeth are geared to a more omnivorous diet than the lions they are often compared to. Their legs are digitigrade, ending in broad, pawlike feet entirely unlike a lion's. They vary in color between white and black, with tawny brown and oranges occupying the most common colorations.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Leonin are primarily carnivorous, consuming about 64% of their diet in meat, usually but not always fresh, and other proteins. The rest of their diet mainly consists of root vegetables, sugars and shoots. Their stomach can handle very few leafy greens, tolerating them only when they provide flavoring.
Height: Weight:
Height: Weight:
Scientific Name
Panthera sapien

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