Fetch Species in Na'Endreth | World Anvil


Hagborn or Fetch are descendants from the workings of the archdevil of fear Lathicrow. Hags form covens stealing innocent mortals for their own nefarious means. In the process they leave soulless duplicates called fetch to cover their tracks. On the outside a fetch appears like the mortal stollen, and will even believe themselves to be the same. On the inside they are composed of components stuffed into the animated mockery.   A fetch is riddled with horrible fortune and ill omen. Their destiny to either be burned alive, or grow to become a hag themself. Fetch will often age either rapidly or not at all. Taking on characteristics of their hag mother. Eventually their power will grow to the point they become a hag themself. At which point they will either join a coven, or go it alone.


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