Eyes of Ential Organization in Myzelis | World Anvil

Eyes of Ential

Faction of Ential Sha’la

Region of Influence: Ential Sha'la.
Symbol: Two crossed scrolls, becoming increasingly ornate as one gains in rank and prestige.  
  The Eyes of Ential are the way the Realm of Ential Sha'la sees the rest of the world, learning what they can about Myzelis and reporting back to their homeland. It’s now a two way street, letting outsiders into the organization to learn about Ential Sha’la and her people. All along the way trading, helping and being wherever they can.    

Base of Operations

  Within the Great Tree Maz’kan, the Eyes of Ential work out everything from trade patterns to traveling routes. With each tribe's High Designates and the elected Prime Designate leading, the Eyes have meetings at Maz’kan where all are able to watch, to gain and keep trust. Nothing is hidden to the people of Ential or the Eyes.    


  The Eyes of Ential were founded during the Age of Clarity to serve as a stable government for the previously warring tribes of Ential Sha’la. The formation of the Eyes of Ential was an overture of peace by Alous of Maw’sha, who had fallen in love with a person from a different tribe who was slain in front of him during the wars. Driven by the loss, Alous traveled to each other tribe under anonymity, sharing his vision of bringing harmony and stability to Ential Sha'la. He recruited from each tribe those who would become the first Eyes of Ential, the Sa'hans.   The tradition of Sa'han working in complimentary pairs was by Alous' design, a lament to his lost love as much as practical mutual protection. After years of peace under this system, the common folk — fearful of the power corrupting the leadership — decided that they no longer needed the Eyes of Ential, and for a time it was disband. But with the start of the Age of Exploration, Ential’s people need them once more to lead the tribes to help them understand and learn about the rest of the world, past the Brume. Once more voting on Designates, one per tribe, one for all, and now one for outsider's influence.    


  Sa'hans wish to learn all they can about the world and the people who inhabit it. They trade with who they can along the way, exchanging goods that sustain their journeys as well knowledge about the cultures they encounter. The Eyes of Ential are particularly interested in the leylines and why they keep the Brume at bay.    


  The Prime Designate Mar’den Of Ential, four High Designates from the tribes, and now a Alus Designate (who represents the outside world), yet to be named, form the leading council of Eyes of Ential. The current High Designates of the tribes of Sha'la are: Zeer of Maw’sha, Nar’la of Me’kan, Baz’co of Fen’ma, and Ar’tans of Mac’fre. Each tribal High Designate has two designates under them.    

Membership and Structure

  The ranks, in descending order: Prime Designate, High Designates and Alus Designate, Designates who form the Council of Eyes. The rest of the Eyes are split in two groups: Warriors and Sages, the highest being Kamas and Lintas respectively. Followed by Wardens and Seekers, then Irises and Pupils. The last being Talas, the rank of Choosing, meant for newcomers just starting out who have not joined the Warriors or the Sages. Most people within the Eyes work with a pattern of the same rank and level, such as Kama with a Linta.   ((If a player needs, they would find anyone higher ranking as they will send messages to higher ups if needed or help themselves.))    

Becoming a Sa'han

  The Eyes of Ential believe knowledge is for everyone, and that everyone can learn something new, and that everyone should share what they know. Whether being native or an outsider, anyone who wishes to join the Eyes must travel to Ential Sha’la to find Maz’kan, the Great Tree, show themselves to the Council, and make the three vows. An aspiring Sa'hans must share how they plan to help, where they wish to travel, and what kind of knowledge they seek. After that they will be a Talas of the Eyes of Ential. From there they travel to where they wish, and learn what they can, then bring this knowledge back to Maz’kan. The Talas chooses what side they join, Warriors or Sages.   The vows every member makes are:
  1. Knowledge is earned or passed on, never stolen.
  2. Every story has more than one side, learn from all sides if you can.
  3. Never destroy knowledge, nor let it be destroyed.

Responsibilities for each Rank

  • Talas: New recruits.
  • Pupil/Iris: Over craftspeople, farmers, other commoners, and travelers.
  • Seeker/Warden: Veterans who helps the Linta/Kama oversee.
  • Linta/Kama: Send information is back to the council; oversee traveling routes, ambassadors, and embassies; and coordinate bartering between craftspersons and traders.
  • Designate: Provide the primary method for sending messages to and from Ential Sha’la; advise the High Designates.
  • High Designate/ Alus Designate: Advise designates on judgments and public works; members of the Council of Eyes with the Prime Designate; also keep outsiders “in check.”
  • Prime Designate: Leader of Eyes of Ential; oversees all with help of the High Designates; leads most major meetings - especially with other guilds or factions - alongside at least two High Designates.

Sa'hans Elsewhere in Myzelis

  Outside of Ential Sha’la, the Sa'hans travel in caravans of wagons, making camps where they are permitted to and setting up temporary trading posts. Each group has at least one Kama/Linta pair to oversee. The main skills they offer are evocation magic, cartography, message running, and alchemy.   Most members do not have uniforms, but each have a badge to show their ranking. Eyes of Ential typically wear lightweight wool for travel, but do their best to adapt and dress for the environment in which they find themselves. Their camps are set up in the same way, and conscious of the local hazards. Every member does their share of the work, with those of higher rank taking on more burden as necessary.

"Nothing is hidden from the people."

Founding Date
9047 BAI
Educational, Society
Alternative Names
The Sa'hans
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

Articles under Eyes of Ential

Cover image: by Joel Tyler Headley