Minish in Myths of Mudora | World Anvil
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The Minish, known as Picori among the big folk, are a people veiled in mystery and myth, their existence often relegated to the realms of folklore. Reclusive and rarely spotted, these diminutive beings are known for their extraordinary cleverness and a touch of magic that shrouds them from the gaze of adults. Though invisible to most, their presence is felt through the enchanting wonders they bestow upon the world.  

Strangers From Another Land

  The Minish have not always dwelled in Hyrule. Like many other fey beings, their origins have a more divine origin. Legend speaks of when the lands of Hyrule was faced with great peril, that the Minish crossed into the lands of Hyrule from a golden land. They were called beings of light or Picori in Ancient Hylian. With their great artisan skill, they crafted a magical blade that was not only a powerful weapon, but could be used as a prison to contain evil within. This conflict would later become known as the Interloper War and for their participation, the Minish became the stuff of Hyrulean legend. Even to this day, Picori Day is celebrated on the first day of spring.   Many Minish returned to their own realm in the aftermath, but many more stayed and multiplied in the wide open lands of Hyrule. Because Hyruleans are so much larger than the Minish, they chose mostly to remain hidden and to rarely reveal themselves. But the Minish maintain relationships with their own kind both in Hyrule, but in their own native realm as well. Once every hundred years, a gateway opens between the two realms, which allows the Minish to meet with their counterparts and potentially meet friends and family that they have not seen in a century.  

A Giant's World

  For most of the big folk, the Picori are nothing but fairy tales reserved for small children. There is some truth to that, because the Minish have a particular preference for only ever interacting with the pure of heart and this typically just means children. If it suits them, they will interact with adults if needed, but many Minish can recount bad experiences of nasty big folk misusing their greater size and power. They have no such issues interacting with other fey folk. Fairies are favorite friends of the Minish, owing to their similar sizes. The Kokiri are also agreeable enough as well, though the Minish prefer their Korok form more.   The Minish believe strongly in improving the world around them. The Minish who live in Hyrulean homes will often help their larger counterparts by performing small repairs on household objects. Those who live in the forests and fields have instead learned the speak the language of animals and act as stewards to maintain a stable ecosystem. Regardless of how they contribute, most Minish have a strong sense of generosity. It is a common and celebrated practice to collect valuables, such as rupees or seashells, and to then go and hide them beneath bushes and patches of grass where the big folk mght find them. Although the Minish frown upon greed, they do feel a swell of pride whenever they see the look of surprise and glee on a big person's face when they find a hidden prize left by a Minish.  

Known Settlements

    Minish live all over the place but are primarily found in the north of the eastern continent, be it in the homes of a humble Hyrulean family or inside hidden away tunnels in Mt. Crenel or entire villages inside of the trees of the aptly named Minish Woods. But because they are rarely ever seen by human eyes, they remain the stuff of legend.  

Thematic Archetypes

  Alchemist - Artificer
The Minish have long held a reputation for their incredible crafstmanship, but their skill with potions is second to none.   Weave Teaser - Dancer
As creatures of Fey, the Minish have a special understanding of magic, such that they can weave through friendly and hostile magic with a beautiful dance.   Horizon Walker - Ranger
The Minish arrived in this realm many eons ago as strangers to this world. They are not the only visitors to this world and Horizon Walkers bear the duty of protecting their new home from outside threats.   Inquisitive - Rogue
The Minish are natural investigators of the world, because their tiny size makes it deadly not to be. There are many places you can reach when you're the size of a mouse.

Minish Features

  Age. Minish age faster than humans and are considered an adult at about ten years old. A Minish can live to around 40 years.   Size. Minish are creatures tiny enough to fit in the hand of a Hylian. Your size is Tiny.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.   Creature Type. You are a Fey.   Low Light Vision. You can see in dim light within 30 feet of you as if it were normal light, and 10 feet in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Tiny Target. Due to your Tiny size, you are difficult to spot in most situations. Creatures that are medium or larger have disadvantage on Perception checks to spot you and have disadvantage on attack rolls from 10 feet or further away from you.   Picori Passage. Due to your Tiny size, you also have a climb speed equal to your walking speed and can walk along the surface of the water, but will sink if you end your turn on water without expending any movement on that turn. You are unaffected by difficult terrain and can squeeze through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide.   You also gain one of the following features, based on what kind of Minish you are.   Forest Minish. Forests are among the most natural places for a Minish to feel at home, where they can be far away from bumbling big folk. A touch of illusion magic keeps them well hidden from prying eyes. Most Forest Minish learn to magically speak with animals, which can be quite handy when they need to get around the forest in a hurry.
  • You know the Minor Illusion cantrip. You can also cast the Speak with Animals Spell with this trait. You can cast it with the trait a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.
  House Minish. The Minish have lived alongside the big folk since long before anyone can recall. They often build homes inside the walls, attics, or beneath floorboards where they remain undetected by the big folk. With easy access to all kinds of household objects, the House Minish are quite adept at creating contraptions to help them navigate the world around them.
  • You have proficiency with Arcana and Tinker’s Tools. With these skills, you can create a automaton creature that resembles a tiny animal or some other household object. You can spend one hour with Tinker’s Tools to replicate the effects of the Find Familiar spell, but your Familiar is a mechanical Construct. If this automaton creature is destroyed, you can spend one hour to repair it using your Tinker’s Tools.
  Stone Minish. In ancient times, the Minish were primarily burrowers that stayed beneath the ground to avoid interacting with the big folk. Many remain there beneath the fields, while others have carved out homes among the mountains. This has developed into a strong affinity for the earth, as they magically enhance their underground excavations and have developed a sixth sense while working in darkness.
  • You know the Mold Earth cantrip. As a Bonus Action, you gain Tremorsense with a range of 60 feet for 10 minutes. You must be on a stone surface or touching such a surface to use this Tremorsense. The stone can be natural or worked. You can use this Bonus Action a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.
Rules for Tiny Lineages
Generic article | May 2, 2024
Generic article | Dec 15, 2023
About 40 years
Average Height
Between 4 and 6 inches tall
Colouring and Markings
Minish are covered in a soft fur that is typically light in color, with variations of white, gray, and caramel. Minish have hair with the same coloration range as humans.
Geographic Distribution
Minish prefer to live underground where they are unlikely to be troubled by big people. This can range from living beneath tree stumps, burrow holes, or underneath floor boards. Minish are primarily found on the western continent. They are not given to long travel, so few Minish have ever made it to any islands or the Eastern Continent.


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