Fairy in Myths of Mudora | World Anvil
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Winged beings of ethereal beauty, Fairies grace the realm of Hyrule with their presence, commonly found near small bodies of water, where the shimmering light dances upon the waves. Evoking both wonder and awe, these enchanting creatures possess potent healing magic, yet they remain wary of the big folk who often seek to capture them within bottles for their miraculous abilities. Preferring to avoid combat, most Fairies focus on nurturing and aiding their allies, emanating an aura of soothing energy.   Throughout Hyrule, Fairy kind resides in small clustered villages, seeking refuge near the watchful gaze of Great Fairies. These titanic beings wield immense magical power, their benevolence and protective nature making them guardians of their smaller kin. While most Fairies reside under the shelter of their Great Fairy protectors, a select few with remarkable skills embrace a more adventurous path, willing to wield arms and join the fray for the greater good of Hyrule.   Known Settlements: Fairies are found almost anywhere that a body of water can be found, but they typically prefer to live in close proximity to a Great Fairy or other powerful Fey or Celestial entities. In the Lost Woods, Fairies will often become lifelong companions to the Kokiri. The aptly named Fairy Woods west of Lynna City is also known for the mischievous faries that inhabit the area.  

Thematic Archetypes

  The Maverick - Artificer
Fairies are brimming with magical potential and can hardly be expected to simply settle for only one type of magical expression.   Way of the Elemental Warrior - Monk
All Fairies are nearly bursting with primal, elemental magic. When they allow it to manifest, they can become a potent sight to behold.   Swarmkeeper Conclave - Ranger
A lone fairy with a pin-sized sword may not seem that terrifying, but their threat seems more tangible when they bring a bee swarm along for the ride.   Thief - Rogue
Fairies are usually predisposed to doing good, but they are given towards mischief and sometimes can't help latching onto something shiny. It's not like anyone will miss it.

Fairy Features

    Age. Fairies age at the same rate as humans, but cease aging at maturity. Fairies do not live forever, but eventually fade away as they lose their luster for life.   Size. Fairies are creatures tiny enough to fit in the hand of a Hylian. Your size is Tiny.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 20 feet.   Creature Type. You are a Fey.   Flight. Because of your wings, you have a flying speed of 30 feet. You can't use this flying speed if you're wearing medium or heavy armor or if your size is increased to Medium or larger. While flying, your body sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10-foot radius. If you later gain a feature that increases your walking speed, this also increases your flying speed as well.   When you aren't flying, you can use a bonus action to make your wings invisible until you use another bonus action to make them reappear.   Fey Magic. You know one of the following cantrips: Guidance, Dancing Lights, Druidcraft, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Spare the Dying or Light. You learn an additional cantrip at 5th level and 11th level.   Fey Passage. Due to your Tiny size, you can squeeze through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide.    
Rules for Tiny Lineages
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