Mythological world of ancient power Birth of Nicholas and Claudius, twin brothers

Birth of Nicholas and Claudius, twin brothers

Life, Birth


Birthday of Twins 270AD – Marcia and Epiphaneous birth Nicholas and Claudius.

Before the birth of the children, Marcia meets a stranger named Epiphaneous in 260AD. They date and fell in love. Five years later, they marry in a small church ceremony with friends and her family. They buy a house in Patara, Lycia where she lives. Heaven looked down and blessed this union.   It is now 270AD. Marcia and Epiphaneous are blessed with two children. They are twin boys named Nicholas and Claudius. Dad gets called back to Heaven. Marcia is tricked into giving Claudius to people who practice demonic arts and regrets this later.   Both children grow up. Nicholas was the living body of Christ’s teachings and goodness, often giving away things for free. He also felt called to serve God’s church in the Priesthood.   Claudius, on the other hand, mastered naughtiness. His step-parents were practitioners of the dark arts and worshipping Satan, the Devil. Both males age each year and time ticks for their 75th birthday(345AD).

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