Mythological world of ancient power Baxter Enters Clermont Ridge

Baxter Enters Clermont Ridge

Life, Relocation


Baxter eventually settles in Clermont Ridge, Texas, USA.

Baxter appears in Clermont Ridge on a fine spring day in 1932. Baxter goes into town days after arriving. He first meets Mrs. Linda and Mr. Donald Harper. They own Kendrick’s Stables and Wagon Shop. They are not the original owners. Mr. Lionel Robbins is the town realtor who, by happenstance, walks into the shop so Baxter meets him next.   Due to no funds, Baxter goes to see Mayor Jeffrey Baron and Sheriff Frederick Johnson. They interview him for his intentions. However, both feel that Baxter is a great guy down on his luck but will do many fantastic things. This is good karma Baxter receives.   Baxter gets what he needs. Baxter soon asks Lionel for possible locations of gold mines. Eventually, one mine is found with gold worth many times over!   The gold allows him to do several things. First, he restores what is known as the Thompson Mansion. It is now a Historical Landmark of the Texas Historical Commission and a piece of local history. Second, he builds himself a multi-floor mansion with enough room for him and for guests he may have.   And that which is last but most important, he also gives the town money for improving the town. All residents are in awe and amazement when the improvements are unveiled.   Little does Baxter know; a whole new world is about to open!