Mythological world of ancient power Baxter's Graduation and Parents Death

Baxter's Graduation and Parents Death

Life, Trauma/ Loss


After seventeen years on Earth, Baxter graduates from the local high school. He celebrated this huge achievement by attending many parties.   It was after the last party that he discovered a most gruesome and bloody scene back at his home. There, his parents lay dead. The next few days pass with the deputies at the scene, taking their statements and Baxter also having to formally identify the bodies of his mother and father.   The funeral that was held allowed Baxter to gain some peace and also made him aware of all the love from the townspeople. Many who knew the family, many public officials who knew Baxter, and others who wanted to share their condolences.

He spent the first 17 years of his life in this small town. During these last few years, Baxter not only worked part-time but also volunteered in his community. A few examples of his selflessness include driving all kids to school in a horse-pulled wagon, entertaining these same kids in the summer, and helping with the older generation.   The farmers were amazed at Baxter’s heart that several had willingly given their horses and supplies to Baxter. There were several store owners who would intentionally order more of their wares so Baxter could do whatever was the project at the time. Teachers were constantly in awe of how much Baxter connected with the younger kids.   The family and criminal judges even had him speak if he knew the kids which were more than normal. Baxter was always spoken about in a positive, influential way!   The folks expected great things after Baxter graduated high school. They knew that Baxter had a bright future!   Baxter graduated (in 1928) and then attended a few parties. The last of these came with Baxter’s parents killed in their home.   Baxter returns home from the last party at night. The house was unlocked but that was normal. What wasn’t normal was his parents not acknowledging the voice of their only son. Baxter then sees them laying down on the floor not moving. While processing this, holes in their chest and the forehead seem to indicate gunshots fired.   A wagon idly sits outside. Suddenly, this blood-curling, heart-wrenching scream of sadness and grief fills the air! The friends outside come in. Baxter is found kneeling between them bawling and crying as he hugs both his parents. All his friends hear is “I’m sorry.” repeatedly. Baxter then lies down holding their hands.   One of the friends who wasn’t allowed in the house fetched the local sheriff's deputy. The deputy fetched others. Baxter still was on the floor at this point. The deputies see him and are acknowledged by the friends.   Baxter runs out of tears. He then is more aware of the deputies. One said, “We are saddened to hear they have died. Please take your time. We’ll be here to check the scene.” Baxter nods. Several help him to his room and gather a bag of clothing. The local force is solemn when all exit. Baxter is taken to one of the friend’s home. After all sleep, a deputy comes to take a statement from all. All answer honestly.   Two days pass. Baxter is accompanied to the hospital where he formally identifies the bodies of his mother and father. Another round of crying ensues yet his friends hold tightly.   A week and a half have passed. Adults, Children of all ages, and people who knew Baxter closely have passed along their condolences.   It is now the day for the funeral for Baxter’s parents. A gigantic congregation fills the pews. The people spread into hallways and the Narthex.   The service allows Baxter some peace and hope. The attendees then gather in the cemetery.   During the summer, Baxter grieves while his friends stay beside him holding onto the sweetest memories of laughter. It is also around the hottest months of the year when the criminal was arrested. A trial was brought forth and the jury found the accused guilty of two murders.