Trinovas Geographic Location in Myst | World Anvil
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Written by ArcticEagle

Trinovas is the home solar system of Myst (and the only known one)1. It is a binary star system with an A class star and smaller white dwarf star. The system contains 4 main planets: Edara, a slowly shrinking planet with an elliptical orbit around the twin suns; Myst, the only known planet with life within the system; Vath, the larger of the two gas giants in the system; and Dinborin, the smaller gas giant with the farthest orbit.
Alternative Name(s)
Star System

The Celestial Bodies

The Twin Suns
The Twin Suns are referred to as Esser and Yevan ever since the Enlightenment occurred and Planar worship became the predominate religion2. They are a close binary star system that only have p-type orbiting planets. Esser is the bigger of the two - shining with a brilliant white light with a slight blue hue. Yevan typically appears white in the sky, but strangely, fluctuations of color have been observed before with it sometimes showing as red or orange.  
"Twin blessings upon you." -A common saying for farewells.

Edara is a smaller planet that resides on the solar plane in an elliptical around the twin suns. Whenever it approaches the suns, lights can be seen cascading off of the planet - a mixture of blue and purple. It is believed that Edara has a large portion of its surface covered in some kind of crystalline structures which cause the light show once the lights of the suns hit them just right. Astronomers were only recently able to notice that Edara also has an irregular shape. It is only semi-spherical with a large portion of the planet being almost bowl-like in shape, bending in on itself. While still much is unknown, the most predominant theory is that its orbit close to the stars has been slowly ejecting resources off of the planet and therefore morphing its shape and hollowing it out.


Mys̵t̶ is the home to all that we know. It is a large terrestrial planet with a singular moon named Ashna3. An ice ring orbits Ashna. The ring has a slight elliptical orbit influenced by the pull of Myst. Myst is the only known planet with life, however, because a number of species residing on M̶yst originated from elsewhere it is assumed there must be other planets that can sustain life.                  
A swirl of orange, blue, and brown, Vath is the one of the two gas giants of Trinovas. Vath has multiple ice rings with a number of natural satellites, but the most notable ones are Ixem, Iun, and Linir. Vath is close enough to Myst to be the brightest body at night in the sky past Ashna. Vath is roughly 9 times larger than Myst.                    
Dinborin is the smaller of the two gas giants of the system. It is mixture of Red, Purple, and, less commonly, green streaks. Despite being half the size of Vath, it has a mass comparable to that of Vath, making it a magnet of asteroids and comets on the edge of the system. It has developed a large number of ice rings which almost quadruple the width of the giantC.

Other Notable Bodies

The Ardent Star
This brilliant red dot in the sky is the brightest star to be observed when it is visible. It only shows itself on a random day in the month of Quolas, and this event has become significant in the eyes of many of Myst's residents. A holiday has been created around this event, known as the Ardent, and it is typically associated with making wishes and giving gifts to those closest to you.          
The Asteroid Field
Between Vath and Diborin there is a torus of asteroids simply known as the Asteroid field. It is believed that these asteroids are actually one of the more recent additions to the Trinovas compared to the planets, millions of years ago in the making. A few objects of interest have been spotted in the field including Ari-b29 and Ari-h81.
1Trinovas was the name originally used by the Fallen. It has since become the most common name for the Solar System.A   2Esser is the planar deity of order, oath, and law. Yevan is the deity of neutrality, fairness, and nuance. It is of importance to note: the suns themselves are not deities (as the suns existed before the planars' arrivals), but these deities have been associated with the suns, and it has become common for them to be shown with the suns. The original names of the suns were (and to some still are): Inoma (the larger) and Ezzell (the smaller)B.   3Similar to the twin suns, Ashna was renamed soon after the planars arrived. Ashna is the third of the Tribunal (being Esser, Yevan, and Ashna), representing sacrifice, necessary evil (for the greater good), and sanctuary.   A>>:Trinovas. It's a bit of an odd name. First, a bit of history: the name that was commonly used prior to the Fallen's was Brilol which was used by the Etti'Shi. The Etti'Shi adopted a lot of their ideas and some of their language from the Meneki and this is one of the cases where they directly kept a name from the Meneki. Brilol was, however, dropped after Common was developed as a language for conversing between the differing species during the Ethral war. The base of common was the language originally used by the Humans and Dwarves when they arrived and a lot of their names have transferred over. Now, looking at this with the lens of Common, 'Tri' means three and 'novas' means stars. Three stars. You might assume this is a translation error of some sort (or perhaps some weird renaming during the Age of Silence) but lets return to Brilol really quick. Very few Meneki words have a direct translation considering that the bulk of their communication was done through more... mental means. One of the few exceptions to this are names. So Brilol - what does it roughly translate to? Three lights. Last I checked, Trinovas only has two starsD.   BInoma and Ezzell do not have an article on here from what I could find - only mentions. It is said in the original creation story of Myst that Esh gave the greater sun the name Inoma and the original mortals named the lesser sun Ezzell. This would actually make Ezzell the only celestial body that Esh didn't give a name himself.  
C>>:Dinborin fun fact: It has a large number of satellites past the rings, but being as far as it is, it is hard to observe them. When it is said that Dinborin is on the edge of the Solar system, it is MUCH farther than the other planets. One of the only reasons Dinborin is known to exist is because its rings are so big (and the deity I guess). Dinborin does technically have a moon, but it doesn't have a name because it hasn't been observed by the astronomers of Myst yet.
  D>>:I know I know - a footnote in a footnote in a footnote. Sorry. Get used to it. I just wanted to update this based on my more recent discoveries. I dive deeper into the three stars thing in the Ardent Star article (footnote {}).


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