Mapplin tree Material in Myriad: The realm of Terra | World Anvil
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Mapplin tree

Sometimes known as the jewel of the Heinddur Region.


Material Characteristics

Mapplin trees are primarily found in the Heinddur Region though some stray trees have taken root here and there in the North of Terra. The trees are easily identifiable by the curves of their trunks and branches as well as the bright red color of their five tipped leaves. Typically, the Mapplin's curvature resemble a spiral climbing skyward. The bark's texture is rough to the touch while its leaves feel wet as if covered in a thin layer of oil.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Aside from its iconic appearance, the Mapplin tree is better known for the treasure hiding within. Cutting through the tree deep enough will bring forth a delectable sap unlike any found in other trees. Named "Sweet sap" for its taste and smell, it is a popular ingredient sought by many bakers. Just be sure to dilute the substance before use as it is much too sweet when raw.


To elaborate on the Sweet sap, as soon as it flows from the Mapplin tree's trunk, you will notice that the clear/transparent viscous liquid is much thinner than any other tree sap. After being exposed to the air, the liquid will eventually harden as well as turn a pale white resembling a clump of sugar. (Sometimes referred to as sweet sap sugar) Introducing it to heat will allow the hardened sweet sap to its original liquefied state.

Geology & Geography

Mapplin trees are prominent in the Heinddur Region. Unfortunately, in recent times, Heinddur is a treacherous and wild place filled with beasts and monsters meaning the Mapplin tree's sweet sap is a rare commodity. However, the residents of the Triad outpost just beyond the Region's border will occasionally acquire some during outings making them one, if not, the only suppliers of sweet sap in all of Terra.

Life & Expiration

An interesting fact about the Mapplin tree is how its sap is in direct correlational with its lifespan. Removing too much or all of its sap will cause the tree to wither and possibly perish. A withered Mapplin is identifiable by its drooping branches as well as the shriveled and darkened leaves. If a cut was made to allow the sweet sap to flow, leaving it alone will cause the sap to eventually harden, sealing the wound and allowing the tree to continue to live.

History & Usage


These trees are only used for their sap as those whom tried using them for lumber quickly noticed how the slippery sap made for terrible building material compared. The time and effort spent handling the wood was deemed irksome and even wasteful.

Manufacturing & Products

The process of obtaining and packaging sweet sap is simple yet laborious. Getting the sap from the trees is the easy part, returning home with heavy pales through the dangerous wilderness of Heinddur is where the task presents danger. Once you've returned home, the sap has most likely hardened into the pale. Next, to remove the sap, you may either return it to liquid under a fire or chisel at it until it can be freed from the pale. Finally, the sap can be placed in its final package set for delivery.


Trade & Market

Triad outpost is Terra's premier source of sweet sap capable of providing multiple variations of this product. People of Terra come far and wide to obtain this special sweetener. Lumeria and Grandalheim are among the many patrons frequently in demand of the Mapplin tree's treasure.


Storing sweet sap requires next to no preparation. Since it begins as a liquid before hardening, it can fit any container you have on hand provided you have the means to acquire it as a liquid or at least boil it before storing it.
Unique sent of some sweetness found on the leaves.
Grey-ish mixed with a dark red bark with bright red leaves.
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