Purple Cordialite Material in Myriad | World Anvil

Purple Cordialite

A mineral that gives off a purple glow. Many in the False Kingdom power lights, streetlights, and various other items such as the Witchlight Lighthouse with it. The Purple Cordialite is entirely safe to be around and causes no adverse effects. It powers things like fireplaces as well, being able to burn for a lot longer than coal does. The only problem with the Cordialite is that unbeknownst to the population of the False Kingdom, the mines for it are running low. The miners are saying that its been harder and harder to find. Cordialite comes in various shades of purple. The most sought after shade is lavender, which has been knowm to be the best for lighting rooms with. The shade of Cordialite reserved for royalty and nobility is the true violet shade of Cordialite.

Witchlight Lighthouse

The lighthouse in Witchlight is powered by one of the largest deposits found of this mineral and is a very nice shade of plum. It acts as a beacon for ships coming into the False Kingdom from Myriad and as a beacon for ships returning to the False Kingdom. Before the rest of Myriad was remembered, it usually showed fishing ships the way home. The only people able to turn this stone 'on' for it to shed a considerable amount of light are the Twilight Eladrin of the False Kingdom. Different races are able to turn 'on' the Cordialite, but it sheds far less light than if a Twilight Eladrin did. The Witchlight Lighthouse is kept by a Twilight Eladrin, and the duty of Lighthouse Keeper has been his position for the last 200 years and his father before him held the position for 500 years. No one is sure why the Twilight Eladrin have such an affinity for the Cordialite, but many are glad that it reacts to them.
Cordialite lamp by Leashea via Midjourney

Cover image: by Leashea via Midjourney, Theiket with the photoshop


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