Cassian, The Autumn Sovereign in Myriad | World Anvil

Cassian, The Autumn Sovereign

Cassian is known as the Bard of Everfall. He is the Harbinger of Merriment and Plenty. As the bard of Autumn, he makes a point in his travels to frequent different harvest festivals, in a variety of disguises. A tradition amongst many communities is to throw louder and more extravagant festivals in hopes that Cassian will stop by the town to bless them with a plentiful harvest in the coming year.

General Symbols and Symbolism

Cassian, much like the other three Seasonal Sovereigns, is connected with Life and Death in certain ways. Cassian's connection gives him domain over Decay and Rebirth. Many see Autumn as an opportunity to make big changes and to set resolutions for the next year, though many more see his merriment as a harbinger of the Cold Times to come. The Horn of Plenty became a symbol for the harvest season and the bounty it brings. When Cassian is around, many of the horns of plenty are perpetually full and the kegs of ale and mead almost never run dry.


One of the many myths surrounding Cassian is that he abducts unsuspecting members of communities to revel with him in another realm. Many of the abductees are found far away from their community, in another continent, or some have even ended up in The Wyrd. . Testimonies of these such people have all concluded that they went through a door playing loud music. While there, they are forced to play party games and drink until they drop. Many of the victims of this mysterious door tend to black out and wake up in said strange places. When asked how they found themselves in such odd and distant circumstances, The abductees often only remarked in fear towards a man named Woldrech.

As with all of four of the Seasonal Sovereigns, Autumn seems to follow Cassian wherever he is, however, Ylara is not far behind.
Cassian, the Bard of Everfall. by Leashea via Midjourney

Cover image: by Leashea via Midjourney, Theiket with the photoshop


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