Fossilized Energy Material in Myria | World Anvil
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Fossilized Energy

By Konrad Bennett Hughes
Fossilized Energy is the greatest source of power the world of Myria has ever seen. Engineering-minded Tomte have found a way to harness its magical energies to fuel their mechanical devices. Some of their most complex, and deadly, creations.   One such creation was the Sand Dragon of the Nuru Desert, a 100-meter-long centipede-like construction of segmented plates created by a mysterious figure known only as "The Scientist." Though the Sand Dragon was never destroyed, after its creator's defeat, it was buried deep in the sands of the Desert of Nuru. Hopefully, never to be found again.   Another of these creations was the Dracomech of Tetricala. Powered by Fossilized Energy, the Tomte allied with the Vampire Assassins of Mayhem, created a mechanically operated Dracolitch combining the powers of necromancy and engineering to devastating purpose. After fierce hours of combat, the dastardly and deadly adventuring team the Tears of Asheebah were able to destroy the Dracomech and stop its destruction of the city.   An industrious artificer Wazzle named Ogo Pogo even used "Fossil-E" as he calls it, to power the interdimensional pirate ship of one Kaptain Viciorious, after he uncovered that the ship's previous engineer was using the harvested souls of his victims to power the ship's interdimensional engine.


Material Characteristics

Fossilized Energy is as hard as granite when in fossilized form.

Physical & Chemical Properties

When brought to its melting point, Fossilized Energy releases an enormous amount of energy that some Tomte have learned to harness into fuel for their machines.

Geology & Geography

Fossilized Energy is usually found in areas where Great Cats lived over one thousand years ago. These are often jungle or desert areas today.

Origin & Source

After a Great Cat buries its poop in the sand or soil, and the poop sits there for centuries, it becomes Fossilized Energy, or "Fossil E" as some call it. The magical energy of the Great Cats is trapped within the fossilized substance, only to be released by extremely high temperatures.
If you melt it, it smells like cat poop.
If you can break through the hard surface, it tastes like cat poop.
It is a translucent amber color with streaks of brown and red running through it.
Melting / Freezing Point
Melts at 5000 F
Common State


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