Guardian of Myranelynia Rank/Title in MYRANELYNIA | World Anvil
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Guardian of Myranelynia

The Role of the Guardian of Myranelynia is commonly believed to start with the fourth brother during the Formation of Myranelynia, but this is a misconception. The brother may have acted as the Guardian in regards to neutral grounding with matters of his other brothers, but the official placement of the role came sometime later in 210 B.W. The air in the three kingdoms began filling with toxins, the kingdoms finding it difficult to breathe and some dying from the lack of oxygen and clean air. The three kingdoms came together to try and find a solution and resolved by making a seed that can grow a plant and filter the air and oxygen of the island, a Tree of Breath, or the Breathing Tree as the official name is. However, when they planted it, the tree did not grow, no matter how much time or treatment was given. the situation seemed dire and the people nearly abandon the island altogether until one individual, Phosphate, found a way to make it grow in a rapid and flourishing way. The tree cleared the toxins in a few days, the people of the island thankful to this man. He did not become the guardian, however, until he resolved a few issues between the kingdoms and help the guardsmen protect the people with an invention of his own. His knowledge of natural resources and how to use them helped all three kingdoms improve and benefit from them. Because he helped them so much, made the tree grown, and provided for them, he was named 'a Guardian of the Island, Protector of (our) people'. Part of the story goes on to say he obtain powers from the Breathing Tree after he was named Guardian, making him more suited to protect and aid them, and the title, and power, had been passed down since.


There doesn’t seem to be any need for qualifiers for becoming the guardian, especially with the current guardian being an outsider. What is generally recommended and often helps is if the candidates for the Guardian have some basic training in combat and political advisory. However, even someone untrained can theoretically become the Guardian. There is also the belief that the guardian has been chosen because they wanted to see change and/or growth, either with the island or within themselves, though this is merely a theory and is unproven.


The only true requirement for someone to become the Guardian is the take on of the seeds of the Breathing Tree fromThe Mirror Pond and the Ghost Tree and plant it. If they can grow it to its full maturity, or at least partial maturity, they are the new Guardian (the growing of the tree works regardless if they are Earthein or not; even Fountanians and Cloudiaons can grow them).


Once the new Guardian successfully plants and grows the tree, the leaders of the Three Kingdoms come together to 'bestow power and authority' onto the Guardian. This is merely a ritualistic ceremony and happens either on the day of the choosing or the next day


The guardian is meant to keep the peace of the island, whether that is defending the island from attackers, being the middle man for the kingdoms when they are arguing, being a witness to a treaty agreement between two kingdoms, or simply ensuring that the kingdoms are at their best.


The responsibilities of the Guardian is to go to the three kingdoms and attend to any problem that he/she can resolve. The problem cannot be trivial, such as lifting a fallen chair, but must be something of importance, such as an unresolved issue between two kingdoms or arguing between two parties within a singular kingdom. He/she may give simple solutions or intervein completely.


The Guardian has easier access to all three kingdoms, despite belonging to one. They do not have access to every location in the kingdoms, but if they have a reason to go there and the owner/caretaker of the place allows it, the Guardian is allowed. There have also been cases where a Guardian uses their position to command someone to do something, such as aiding them or giving private information, though the other individual can refuse.

Accoutrements & Equipment

A special pin was made not long after Phosphate, The First Guardian was named the Guardian. The shape of the pin resembles the Breathing Tree and is large enough to be seen even at a distance. the Guardian is to wear it on their left breast, and may only remove it when they are giving up their role.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The only way the Guardian may be dismissed is if they willingly give up the role/power of the Guardian. The Guardian takes a cup of the water from the Mirror Pond infused with a leaf from the Breathing Tree and drinks it, the power stripped from them. The current Guardian cannot be forced to drink the water nor tricked into drinking. He or she must make the decision in their mind and their heart that they are no longer suited for the role and then drink the water.

Cultural Significance

No matter the kingdom, the Guardian is considered the highest role and honor a person may have. and while the role can be fulfilled by a person from a particular kingdom, the others still honor and respect the Guardian since they are responsible for their peace.

Notable Holders

  • Phosphate, the first Guardian of the Island.
  • Aadiaen, the first female Guardian from Earthein.
  • Oakenson, Earthein King and father of Jade.
Civic, Political
Phosphate started the role of the Guardian by planting the Breathing Tree Seed, in the year 210 B.W.
Form of Address
Sir/Lady Guardian
Source of Authority
It's believed the power and role comes from the goddess Thuasis, or the collected spirit of the island's inhabitants to have a safe, productive community
Length of Term
The Guardian keep this role until they are too old to keep going or die.
Current Holders
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