Kingdom of Alanti Organization in MyAirdhe | World Anvil

Kingdom of Alanti

As men and giants spread into all regions of the world, the dwarves found them and trafficked in goods and skills. A network of trade soon developed. The dwarves built a series of outposts on the islands that cut the ODDINE OCEAN in two, and these became the foundations of the Kingdom of Alanti. Long were their halls and tall, built of marble and beautiful stones. Alanti alone of all the dwarf realms stood above ground, but so great were the keeps and walls that men spoke of it as a mountain above the earth, and the dwarves who dwelt there felt at home as if they lived beneath it. The mansions of the dwarves of Alanti spread from island to island.  Long bridges that spanned between the many islands served as roads and platforms for ever greater constructions. Their fleet of ships grew huge and the sails were like a forest riding the seas around the many halls, bridges, and mansions of the dwarves of Alanti. Eventually, Alanti waxed powerful and broke away from the KINGDOM OF GORTHURAG, and chose one of their greatest explorers to be their king. So the kingdom of Alanti was born, though in truth, they paid a tithe to their father realm, for many years after.   The dwarves of Alanti took to paying homage to EALOR of the Seas, and ANDEROTH became their patron. All across the wide world these dwarves sailed, and where they sailed some stayed and established more outposts and colonies. Some were large, others small, but almost all of them prospered and grew in wealth and power.  In time, the dwarves of Alanti grew greater than all the other dwarven kingdoms, for their colonies were plentiful and their wealth came from far and wide.   The ALANTI played crucial roles in the all the wars with the Goblins.  Then, when peace returned they grew ever greater as their ships fuelled trade between areas, and between Dwarves and Men.     In the latter years of the Peace of Tunnels, the sea kings of Alanti grew great in the councils of both dwarves and men. Their colonies spread across the world, and they traded with people worldwide. Already famed for their marbled towers and houses, the Alanti grew even greater. The wealth of the world was theirs: pearls from the oceans, platinum, and gold from the dwarves, silver and fine tapestries from the tribes of man. They built ever greater ships and cities upon the sea, reveling in the glory of their strength. They mapped the heavens, and the course of the Sisters. They charted the deep waters of the oceans and came to know the movements and variates of the currents. The Alanti were the greatest of the dwarves and lived in peace; a peace the whole world enjoyed, under the Alantine kings.   In these long years the Alanti were the leading power in the South.  In the North another power grew the DRAGON KINGS of AATHUK.  The AATHUK were dragon riders, and with their great beasts came great power.  For a thousand years the world was in this balance of dragon riders and dwarvish sailors.     When the heavenly aspirations of the Aathuk brought their doom many dragons left Aihrde, but some returned and they looked to the goblins for allies.  In the 8603rd year as the dwarves reckon time, ONDLUCHE took the crown of ICHLUN for his own, and his people called him king. None knew what powers he used to seize the ancient throne, but many suspected, for he had long ago mastered the sorcery of the RED GOD and now knew the rune craft of the dwarves.    His people bowed to him,though they hated him more than any dwarves or men. He ruled in terror, and they served in fear.   In these years dragons came to the goblins, borne on the ruins of the AVOWED YEARS and in the teachings of outcasts of the Aathuk. Black dragons, retching acid with each breath, became their favorite beasts of burden, but green and white served them as well. Ondluche ordered the marshaling of the hosts and the hatching of the goblin eggs.   Thus began the FOURTH GOBLIN-DWARF WAR.  The goblins fought relentlessly to unmake all that the dwarves had created. Their armored hosts came forth in waves, they rode dragons enslaved to their wills, the sorcerers carpeted the ground in front of the horde with vile magic, and whole armies battled while mounted on wargs. Together, these forces assailed the iron-cased dwarves. The battles fought in this Wasting War were beyond brutal as the hatred the two peoples bore each other reached a maddened lust. Dwarven warriors, male and female, fought with axe and mace, cleaving the goblins who in turn fought with whips and chains, cleavers and swords.   The dwarves of Norgrund rode forth on dragons of their own and assailed the hosts in the open.   For a century and more, this war raged across Aihrde. In deep places, on high peaks, in the open, even in the heavens where dragons warred, and at last upon the sea. Everywhere there was destruction and death.  The dragons came at last to Alanti, and visited war and death on this fair kingdom.   Alanti, with her great fleets and island cities fair, the most wondrous and beautiful of all dwarf realms, was thrown down and swallowed in acid and flame. Her high sea walls burned down and the oceans made to flood her many realms. Many of the great homes of the early kings were lost. The war consumed the world that existed in the DAYS BEFORE DAYS, its glory lost forever.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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