AA Character in MyAirdhe | World Anvil


AA is the son of Queen Tenopt  ruling as the King.  When the RED GOD came he was one of the first to succumb.     Queen Tentopt called upon IMBRISIUS, her ancestor, seeking her aid.  Imbrisius turned a deaf ear, however, for she did not care. But her consort, NARRHEIT, whom the Aenochians named Set, came to the queen’s summons. He laughed away her plight as he bedded her upon the floor before the throne of AL-LIOSH. “There! I have given you aid against the Red God who you call NEHABAK. Relish what I have given you, for few others have such a gift.” And he got her with child so that soon there-after she gave birth to a daughter.   Eventually, the sorcerers came to Tentopt and bid her yield to the power of Nehabak. And she bid them to summon their god, and if he would bed her daughter and give her a child that she would bow to him. They called Nehabak, and he came as a great bull and there mated with MERYET, daughter of the queen, for she was full grown and could rear a child. But ORNDUHL was beguiled, for few held the power to unravel the deceits of Narrheit, and he got Meryet with not one child but many.  The girl gave birth to a host of abominations, and these were named the SONS OF SET, for they were born of the blood of man, but also the blood of Narrheit, Imbrisius, and Ornduhl. And these rose as an army to defend the queen, and the Bull left the halls for he was in doubt and saw the hand of Narrheit in the coupling.   Civil war followed as the sorcerers of Nehabak fought the Sons of Set. In the year 10,376 as the dwarves reckon time, the Aenochians of both sides rose in great numbers, fielding armies of men and chariots. They fought in the open fields until at last the Sons were defeated, fleeing the fields to all the corners of the world, where ever after they caused chaos and discord. The sorcerers came to the throne of the queen and bid her yield to their power. But she refused. She cursed the gods and swore that her line was a line of men, born of the ALL FATHER of old, and not corrupted by the VAL EAHRAKUN, but strengthened by it. They slew her then and fed her to the bull upon their altar. Meryet, her daughter, eluded them and fled into the east and was lost. But Aa they set upon the throne and he ruled as king.   Led by their sorcerers, with the Bull at their head, Aa gathered the might of his people and led them to war. He first consolidated his power over the river people, from its headwaters to the sea, and afterwards led his armies to the Red River Valley in the west. With chariots and sorcery he overwhelmed all who stood before him and soon brought all the scattered peoples of the Aenochians under his rule.   Once Aa conquered the Aenochians, he turned his attention to the east and conquered the HORSE TRIBES OF THE MADRIU. He styled himself as greater than a king, and the Bull crowned him GOD-EMPEROR OF AIHRDE and his power spread from the VORALBERG MOUNTAINS in the west to the DOHEN MOUNTAINS in the east; from the AMBER SEA in the south to the GRUNDLICH MOUNTAINS in the north.   His sons and their sons followed in his stead, and their power grew and spread over men of many races. The SOUTHRON DESERT PEOPLE fell to them, as did the men who dwelt in the ancient forests of the MARL. Here they encountered orcs for the first time, as that people, born of the All Father’s death, were young and infesting the roots of those mountains. The CHANEL LAKES fell under their sway, even to the BANNING SEA Sea. In the west they crossed the URSAL BRIDGE and scattered the dwarves and men of that country. They built a city there, AVIGNON, and from it they fanned out into the lands of the Ethrum and conquered that people. Though many of the Ethrum resisted them, retreating to the forests of the ETHVOLD and the protection of TEFNUT and the OG AUST. The God-emperors came to rule a vast and powerful empire.


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