The Folk in Muze | World Anvil
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The Folk

The dwellers of Muze are simply known as the Folk.   Because the world of Muze was left unfinished, the Folk of the world live together in communities simply called Folktribes. A Folktribe could be made up of any number of different types of Folk (discussed further below). Some Folk live their entire lives having never met someone from another Folktribe, while other Folk may join their tribes or divide them from one another. Some Folk even create their own Folktribes with others that they share strong bonds, or convictions with, leaving the old tribe behind to find a new Purpose together.   There are many different kind of Folk in the world of Muze. Their shapes, and their forms are myriad in range, color, stature, and weight; But while there is an incredible diversity in the Folk, some traits are common enough that they form a people of their own and are referred to more specifically by the Folk of Muze.  


  Traits: Possessing some of the strangest, and most eccentric features of all the beings on Muze, the Feyfolk are almost outlandish in form, and the range of their defining 'trait' is simply their astonishing, alien-like qualities. Feyfolk may possess gossamer wings and antenae, multiple sets of eyes, hair made of flowers, cloven feet, and other fantastic features. Their skintones, and hair touch upon the entire spectrum of color, but they more commonly fall into a softer range of pastels. Their bodies are usually very slim, almost gaunt, or branch-like. These Folk possess a very aloof, and detached nature that often distances them from the other members of their Folktribes. They are highly intelligent, cunning, and possess unique, and innate magical abilities.   Also Known As: Dragonlilies, Pix, Thornlings, Twiglings   Lifespan: The Feyfolk age very gracefully, but their limbs slowly become more, and more rigid as the years pass, and in turn they slow down to a near statue-like state. It's unclear whether these Folk even truly die, as if they are left to wither to the end, they will simply be found frozen, and unmoving, like wooden dolls, or like an insect having shed its carapace.  


  Traits: These Folk gain their namesake from their smooth complexions. While their size can range from child-like proportions to staggering, almost giant like forms, they usually fall more closely towards the middle of that scale. Their hair color, and the texture of their hair is wild, and unpredictable, and their skin tones range from dark, earthen browns to pale, swan-feather white. They're an ingenuitive Folk, who are ever-curious about their Purpose. They find science and magical arts to be worthwhile pursuits, and have a tendency to set down roots with their Folktribes to master, and hone their crafts and indulgences. They're a tender Folk, that fall in and out of love easily. Their personalities are quite diverse, and they are considered to be the most 'unpredictable' of all the Folk on Muze, something that can be seen as exciting, but also dangerous.   Also Known As: Freckled, Moonies, Round Ears   Lifespan: The Moonfolk live (relatively) short, but vibrant lives on Muze compared to most other Folk; As they age their hair softens into natural greys, silvers, and white. They have a way of eating more in their final years that always makes them plump, and content to the very end.  


  Traits: These Folk gain their namesake from the nature of their birth, which are from couplings between the other Folk of Muze. For this reason their traits are difficult to define for they are an amalgan of pieces between the other Folk. They might possess fur like the Wildfolk on the lower halves of their bodies, and smooth complexions on the upper half like the Moonfolk. They might possess tusks and flower hair from couplings between the Tuskfolk, and Feyfolk, or any other different arrangements. Such a coupling, however, usually does create one distinct feature no matter how the Folk are mixed, and that takes the form of horns. These horns might strike out from either side, and curl forward like a rams, or it may be a single horn growing from the center of their foreheads. The texture, and material of these horns varies, but they're usually highly stylized features and may require the Swayfolk to file them down as they age.   Also Known As: Braided, Halfbreeds, Horn-Heads, Mixies   Lifespan: These Folk tend to live the longest of all the Folk, and how they age and die is dependent very heavily on the coupling that created them.  


  Traits: Tuskfolk are characterized by rough skin patterns, richer skintones, and their namesake; Tusks. Their stature can range from small, lithe forms to hulking, ogre-like features. They commonly possess thick, dark, and straight hair. The Tuskfolk have strong, emotive personalities, and they often prefer more nomadic lives lived in the rough and tumble of Muze's bizaare wildernesses and landscapes. They're a proud Folk who do not take kindly to insult. They may often find it difficult to grasp more metaphorical concepts, and usually prefer a straightforward path when pursuing their Purpose. Tuskfolk enjoy decorating their bodies with tattoos, and piercings.   Also Known As: Roughskins, Sharp-Teeth, Tuskies   Lifespan: Tuskfolk appear to age very slowly, but once they've reached the end it comes on like a lightning strike. They have a habit of being here one day, and gone the next, and so the time one spends with these Folk often feels very precious, and uncertain.  


  Traits: The Wildfolk possess the features of many beasts and animals, and the degree to which they exhibit those traits varies greatly. Some are nearly indistinguishable from their native counterparts, while others may only possess the distinctive tails or ears. The types of animals they might mimic are typically mammalian, but there are scaled, and even feathered Wildfolk. These are a loyal, and dependable Folk who can almost always be counted on. They're natural explorers of the world of Muze, and tend to settle in Folktribes living in areas where their counterparts are also successful. Most Wildfolk are polyamorous by nature, and more than any other Folk, they tend to stick together and build the largest towns, and settlements once they've discovered a location with the resources to suit their needs. The Wildfolk are the most 'common' of the Folk on Muze, and most Folktribes will be composed of some number of them.   Also Known As: Beasties, Long Ears, Pelts   Lifespan: The Wildfolk live the shortest lives on Muze, and their passing seems to mark the years. The Feyfolk, and the Tuskfolk might have known a dozen generations of the same Wildfolk families in their Folktribes, while the Moonfolk might only meet great-grandchildren.  


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