Munson Academy Geographic Location in Munson, NY: The Most Haunted Square Mile in the US | World Anvil

Munson Academy

Munson Academy was built in 1843 under the name Munson Medical Academy, but the focus on medical training broadened to encompass more of the natural sciences, particularly the life sciences of botany and zoology, and in 1860 the title of the school was shortened to Munson Academy.   Munson Academy is comprised of a few small buildings for laboratory spaces, and then there's the Blackwell Building, the three-story building crowned with a cupola. It serves as classrooms, lecture halls, and office spaces for the professors. The basement of the Blackwell Building is where professors would perform autopsies for an audience, and students were allowed to practice medical techniques on cadavers. Students love to tell tall tales about professors meeting with graverobbers in the middle of the night, or how not all the bodies were dead on arrival.   To the chagrin of many, the energetic Professor Amos Church has opened a Department of Spiritualistic Study in which he lectures extensively on parascientific phenomenon. He is a close friend and confidant of the Fox Sisters and often summers with them at their home in Hyde, New York.


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