Zora's Domain Settlement in Mundus | World Anvil

Zora's Domain


  Outsiders have described the capital of the Zora tribes with one simple word, mysterious. Zora are very untrusting of outsiders and are slow to trust foreigners that find themselves within their city. Before any outsider is allowed to do business with any reputable dealers, they are required to prove themselves as part of the tribe. Any tribe member may nominate another to become one of the tribe, but this is only ever done at the behest of the King or Queen. In the smaller cities, this can be done by the locale tribal leader.   The largest city of the Fish Islands, Zora’s Domain is a constant bustle of activity and trade. Lizardfolk and Tabaxi pirates will often lay anchor in the docks of the city to resupply. The city is so large it has informally split into numerous sections. Outsiders have found themselves more at home in Lowtown, closer to the coast. The Zora and any other respectable tribe members live in Hightown. Both the Sunrise Gate and the Sunset Gate have small informal villages that have risen as a result of urban sprawl, as the city outgrows the wooden wall that surrounds it.  

Notable People

King Dorephan-  
Race: Zora Age: 210 Sex: M Alignment: LG   Crowned King of the Zora, Dorephan is a man of pride and honor. He serves his post with dignity, and takes any offenses against his people as a slight against himself. As the Zora have continuously sparred with Crabfolk raiders, Dorephan has become more and more pressured to levy his full military might to stop them. While a brave and capable warrior, he's become hesitant due to the council of his daughter, Mipha, who does not wish to see the sea run red with blood. However, with Mipha's recent disappearance, and rumors that she is being held captive by the Crabfolk, there doesn't seem to be much holding back his fury.   Now dead with his body being discovered by a group of adventurers at the Dwarven Temple on Aeuran Islands.      Known Allegiances   -King of the Zora tribes and people.   -Crown appointed by the Temple of Belenus   Princess Mipha   Race: Zora Age: 26 Sex: F Alignment: NG   A skilled spearwomen, Mipha has been nicknamed the warrior princess by the townsfolk. Her combat prowess is only bested by her older brother, Sidon, and her own father. She has personally led battle after battle and is highly respected for her tactful leadership on the battlefield. However, she has no taste for war and wishes only for their to be peace. She feels that if the Crabfolk were given a chance to become a part of the tribe, they could bring the Fish Islands into an everlasting utopia.   However, her scheming brother had other ideas, and laid plans to have her kidnaped. She is currently being held deep within the chasms of Mt. Kīlauea. Though she has spent her captivity slowly gaining strength for her own escape.   Prince Sidon   Race: Zora Age: 43 Sex: M Alignment: CE   Sidon is considered the older and stronger of the royal siblings, and is next in line for the throne. Despite this, he has never been able to compete with the sheer charisma his sister seems to have, and is much less popular amongst the town folk given his "mightier-than-though," personality. Many have even begun to worry that King Dorephan's advanced age might be reasons for concerns that Sidon would take the thrown before he is truly ready. The tribal council, as well as the priests from Belenus's temple have whispered they would deny Sidon's coronation, choosing instead to crown Mipha.   These rumors have driven Sidon to commit unspeakable crimes, as he uses his power and influence to operate from the shadows. He has even allied himself with loyal Crabfolk, who helped kidnap his sister. He plans to use her disappearance to push his father into a full blown war, one that he will design by playing both sides to his favor.   Counter-   Race: Kenku Age: 48 Sex: F Alignment: TN   Counter runs the Calamity Inn with her Tabaxi partner, Hushiae. Counter is a friendly Kenku who welcomes almost all who enter with mimics of every polite greeting she can remember. If customers ask how her inn has managed to stay in business even when it's on the bad side of town, she will flawlessly copy the raving reviews from customers using her Kenku traits. What the customers don't know is that almost all of her clientele are pirates, or those unable to stay in the more proper taverns of High Town, and she will often give people a discount if they say something positive about her inn. All so that she can use their words for other customers later on.   Her inn does offer a bath service.   Hushiae-   Race: Tabaxi Age: 36 Sex: M Alignment: CN   Hushiae runs the Calamity Inn and is the less friendly of the pair. He mostly spends his time hitting on patrons and drinking what ever he can from the inn's own supply   Azure-  
  Race: Water Genasi Age: 46 Sex: M Alignment: LE   Azure is the leader of the local Thieves' Guild. Cold and calculated, Azure is a pure business man. He never gives away anything without some type of compensation. Rumors have been abound that he has been planning a big score to steal the King's trident. Currently his guild have been hiding out in the Nightheath house in Sunrise Gate Village.   His weapon of choice is an icicle knife that he creates using his water genasi powers.   High Priestess Orah   Race: Zora Age: 169 Sex: F Alignment: LE   Orah is the current leader of the Temple of Belenus. However, she holds no real allegiance to the Zora's adoptive god. Instead, she has secretly converted to the worship of Umberlee. She has used the Prince and his lackeys' in a conspiracy to cause a war over the Fish Islands in line with Umberlee's plan. Many of her temple's priests are apart of her cult, but they maintain an outward appearance Belenus's worship.   Apheh   Race: Zora Age: 23 Sex: F Alignment: NG   Apheh is a young member of the the Temple of Belenus, though she has not been seen in the temple in a long time. She spends most of her time on the streets of Lowtown or the Docs trying to find help. She was close friends with the princess, and feels her recent disappearance might have something to do with the current head of the temple.   --Dead, not just dead. Is now a zombie underneath the Zora's Domain.   Zeka   Race: Zora Age: 76 Sex: M Alignment: CG   Zeka operates a general store in the market. Though he tries to keep most of his business above ground, he does occasionally engage in business with Thieves Guild. He will never deal in anything overtly evil, even when dealing with thieves.
Zeka's Shop Price
Potion of Greater Healing 100 gp
Barrel of Preserved fish (Contains 30 days worth of fish) 20 gp
Pufferfish Bagpipes 30 gp
Barrel of Fine Wine (Actually Cheap Wine) 50 gp
Shovel 2 gp
Spyglass 1,000 gp
Grappling hook 2 gp
Ball bearings 1 gp
Abacus 2 gp
Acid 25 gp
Chain (10 ft) 5 gp
Crowbar 2 gp
Hunting trap 5 gp
Rope (50 ft) 1 gp
War pick 5 gp
Trident 5 gp
Net 1 gp
Pike 5 gp
Whistle 5 cp
Component Pouch 25 gp
Blanket 5 sp
Fishing tackle 1 gp
Healer's Kit 5 gp
Empty Barrel 2 gp
Lantern 5 gp
Forged Tribal Registration 50 gp
Forged King's Seal 500 gp
Moon Sugar 15 gp
Alato   Race: Zora Age: 180 Sex: F Alignment: TN   Alato is an elderly book keeper and apothecary that lives in the center of town. Her shop has a small sign above its door with a bottle wrapped in kelp. She specializes in material found on the ocean floor or on the coast. Her store is also a hoarder's paradise, containing stacks upon stacks of books and crafting material that she takes no time to organize. Items of note are found below.   Umberlee- A historical record of the evil goddess, actually illegal in the city   Gillyweed mix-Allows the creature to breathe under water for one hour when ingested   Lightning Resistance-Allows a creature to be resistant to lightning damage for 1 hour.   Moja   Race: Zora Age: 178 Sex: M Alignment: NG   The dockmaster, Moja is a veteran of countless battles. He lost his hands battling a shark and now uses his hook hand to scare newcomers. He can be met to order supplies, refit ships, and provide any other general services. The docks do require a 20 gp fee for every day they are tied to his dock.   Capt. Agis Fero    Race: High-Elf Age: 387 Sex: M Alignment: LN   Captain Agis Fero is the leader of a small detachment of the Elven Emire's Navy. He has been sent to the Fish Islands with a small detachment of ships. His ong term plans are to turn the Islands into a military colony, using them for the resources to build more ships. While he has arrived under a white flag to meet with the Zora King, his intentions are to determine the strength of the Zora Tribes and any other groups on the island itself.


  Total est.- 4,600   60%- Zora   8%- Tabaxi   2%- Lizardfolk   4%- Tropical Sylvari   2%- Crabfolk   4%- Asrai   6%- Tortle   2%- Water Genasi   2%- Half-Orc   1%- High-Elf   1%- Kenku   3%- Human


  • Zora's Domain
Defenses   Zora's Domain can muster 750 soldiers (use the tribal warrior stat block) and 35 veterans
Large city

Exploring the area around Zora's Domain

  This city is so large, players will need to use almost a quarter of a day's travel just to extend past the city limits into the jungle proper. When doing so, players may camp and explore the island as they would any other wilderness travel. They may choose to brave the surrounding jungle, or travel by boat into the water. While exploring the jungle, players may hunt or scavenge as they see fit, and roll for success on these activities every hour. When gathering, players must succeed on a DC 13 Survival check to find one meals worth of berries and tropical fruit. When hunting, players must succeed on a DC 15 Survival to find the tracks of an animal. When successful, roll a d10 and use the following table to determine the tracks. The players do not have to pursue the tracks, as they may lead to something other than prey.
d10 Found Tracks
1 1d8 Velociraptor tracks (Check online)
2 Jungle Cat (Lion stat bolk pg 331 MM)
3 Giant Boar (pg 323 MM)
4 Giant Poisonous Snake (pg 327 MM)
5 Giant Rat (pg 327 MM)
6 Giant Centipede (pg 323 MM)
7 Stegosaurus (pg 79 MM) Players may only recognize large lizard like footprints if unfamiliar with the creature
8 Cyclops (pg 45 MM) Describe as large boot like footprints that are 4 feet across
9 1d4 Triceratops (Check Online)
10 Aprox. 1d6 Lizardfolk tracks (pg 204 MM)
Every 4 hours while exploring the jungle, roll a d20 and use the above to determine the encounter. On a 1-10 the party encounters nothing. On a 11-20 have the party encounter one of the creatures from the above chart.