Aldrec Darrow Character in Mundanus | World Anvil
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Aldrec Darrow

the Steel Faith

Chaplain Major of the Lapis Wolves

I understand that many of you are afraid, but would you quake so if the emperor was here? Why, then, when he is protecting you with his mighty Hands, do you quake so? I, Aldrec Darrow, will defend you to my last breath! Know that the emperor looks over us, and charge!
- Aldrec Darrow, leading a citizen militia against an orcish warband.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A tall, human, male. A paragon of human fitness, Aldrec defies his advancing age with an iron will, which his body reflects. He is large, well-muscled, and perpetually healthy, traits he attributes to his faith.

Body Features

Aldrec has weathered, tanned white skin, and is covered in numerous scars.

Facial Features

Thick-necked and square-jawed, Aldrec maintains a neat moustache and goatee combination, consistent with his disciplined, well-maintained appearance.

Special abilities

As a paladin, he is able to call upon various divine magicks.

Apparel & Accessories

Aldrec wears a full suit of ornate plate armor, well-maintained, but bearing the marks of numerous battles. He also wears the blue and silver sash of the Lapis Wolves draped over his shoulders. He keeps a holy pendant of order in his belt.

Specialized Equipment

Aldrec Darrow carries a great mace, Final Absolution, which has been with him since his promotion to chaplain major.

Mental characteristics


Educated and trained in the priesthood of Order in the Cathedral of Order, Reikthald. Personally trained in combat by Grand Marshal Raena Skyring.


In his youth, Aldrec worked alongside his mother in a Reikthald hostel. He always intended to join his father, a traveling merchant, when he grew old enough for the road. After his father was killed by bandits, however, he joined the priesthood of order, until the Archbishop sent him to train with the Lapis Wolves.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Heroic, calm, and stoic.
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Chaplain Major of the Lapis Wolves
Year of Birth
2433 51 Years old
Current Residence
The Lapis Wolves Grand Chapter House, the Howling Fortress.
Steel blue, narrowed.
Stark white and close-cropped.
240 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarvish.

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