The Stained Glass of Sandway Material in Mulla | World Anvil
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The Stained Glass of Sandway

These clear, bold, art pieces; Are windows, often depicting, flowing animals bordering the edges. This magnificant art peice are a common site among most tradesmen's homes. Among the Nobility their display windows are master piece's silver or gold leaflets border the panes often with their family crest centering the piece prominently displaying the value of their art.   Glass making in Sandway started as a hobby. Sand often builds up around the docks and parts of the island for ocean currents deposit sand here quite regularly. The fishermen here often have to dredge the sand and displace it. So glass blowing began as a hobby. As this hobby took off the art became more popular, sailors in port began to purchase it. Sailors from Portland popularized this art and would regularly pick up these luxurious windows on their return trips. When the Nobles of Portland became aware of such art they began commissioning many large and magnificent pieces.   Investors brought in supplies and finances turning what was once a hobby into an enterprise. Thus the glassblowers were in business exporting their art all over the world. Now in all corner of the world the most luxurious building get their windows from Sandway.   The stained glass of Sandway is renowned throughout the world most famously because of the marvelous wonders that their glass has help produce. One such notable thing is the Crystal wall of Icepeak falls. If you enter the glacial straights of Ice peak falls from the northern straight. You will behold the crystal wall as you come into port. This nearly pure wall of glass shines and shimmers when the sun catches it reflecting a array of vibrant colors on the glacial walls. Its most luxurious feature is behind that glass wall is a multitude of luxurious dwarven homes, renowned for their view, is that of the savageness of the glacial ocean straights meeting the calmness, that is the bay of Icepeak falls.


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