The Serpantine Earthen Pass of Vipel Geographic Location in Mulla | World Anvil
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The Serpantine Earthen Pass of Vipel

The most northern stretch of swamp lands in The Marshes Of Vipel looks very different from the whole of The swampland's. The northern water is sticky as the mud pits and gurgling muck clings to those that traverse the northern swampland's. Where the most of the swamp is teaming with life the northern stretches feel barren by comparison. Large trees stand tall and alone on the earthen mounds that surround the ominios muddy, gurgling pits. This land would not be traversable if not for the Serpentine earthen passes of The norther stretch of Vipel. The natural road that has formed over the ages has been marked with Large obelisks that were seemingly pulled out of the mud itself cooked were they stand to provide trail markers to those that traverse this natural pass.   Although rarely traveled people speak of the horrendous many headed snake monsters that dwell withing this part of the swamp lands laying in wait in the muck for unsuspecting victims within the Northern Pass of Vipel.
Wetland / Swamp


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