The Marshes of Vipel Geographic Location in Mulla | World Anvil
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The Marshes of Vipel

The Marshes of Vipel Is a vast dark, treacherous, damp swamp. The only know civilized people of this land is the swamp folk of Vipels Landing although odd they trade well. So many a ship will stop to trade for this swampland's abundance of crabs and fish.   All of the Swamp folk of Vipels landing would tell you to avoid striding in the marsh for fear of the predators that will surly find them while sloshing about in the water most would say traversing the land is a death sentence but their are roads of sorts large white mushrooms grow out of the swamp locals call them. Hambra mushrooms, these large white mushrooms with tendrils digging into the mud bellow stand roughly 6-7 feet tall rise out of the water a few feet. The tops of these mushrooms have a mossy spongy texture and the tend to grow from tree to tree. Creating a mushroom bridge of sorts connecting the trees in a large ecosystem chain.   Many who traverses the marsh do so with a rowboat or raft for the mushrooms do not generally bring you to the desired location.   The sailors who stop here come back with tales from the locals. The lighter tales of the swamp are mostly of the giant fauna or mushroom people that dwell here but for those that dig just a little deeper. Their are tales of ancient ruins in the deep swamp undisturbed by time, Bog witches offering dark magics at a cost; Lizard men in an endless war with one another; The many headed swamp dragons. The scariest tale of the swamp land I heard was that of the tree top shadows. These cloaking beings who sleeps during the day but during the night they hunt taunting and stalking their prey and the only solace for escape is if you prey the creature takes your friend away instead of you.
Wetland / Swamp


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