Golden Bell trap Plants Species in Mulla | World Anvil
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Golden Bell trap Plants

This Large Plant is only found in the Marshes of Vipel This Plant takes its name sake from its shape for its flower looks like a Upside down bell. Often the bell of this large flower is filled with a extremely sweet smelling nectar.   This nectar is valuable for it contains a very high amount of energy but if consumed to rapidly or with out restraint can cause heart attacks. Even in large creatures this can happen.   Retrieving this nectar is not without risk for the lower stems and roots of this large flowering swamp plants are sharp and can severely hurt anyone foolish enough or those magically compelled to climb this large flower. those who try can find themselves impaled by many of the sharp spines and roots of the Golden Bell Trap plant. If one perishes within this plants limited grasp their bones will be found lingering around the roots of this plant after the meaty fleshy parts have been consumed to fuel this plants aroma and growth.


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