Queen Cinnaeide Malvina Hege of Riparia Character in Mountain | World Anvil
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Queen Cinnaeide Malvina Hege of Riparia (Cinna-eade Mal-veena Hejhe of Rye-pair-ee-uh)

Queen Cinnaeide Malvina Hege of Riparia (formerly Montagne)


Role in Story:

Protagonist 1  


Barbarian Princess of the Mountain Kingdom. Queen Cinnaeide Malvina Hege, Lady Penrod, Baroness of the House of Firstdawn Peak, Baroness of Summer’s Dawning.  

Physical Description:

Tall and sturdy, this woman of the mountains is a few inches taller than her new husband and towers over the women of her new valley subjects. She is our viewpoint character for much of the book’s length.  


Trying to hide her naivete to the customs of the river people. She will do her best at all times to represent her husband and her people well. She is entirely too aware that the nobles of her adopted court see her as an interloper and a naive country girl, and is perfectly willing to play their arrogance against them, using their assumption that she doesn’t know how to play politics.  


Over time develops a guileless/innocent expression when listening to someone telling her things that she thinks she might be able to use later. Dumps alcoholic drinks stronger than good, honest mountain beer into the nearest planter.  


Second child and first daughter of King Antius of the Montagne Kingdom.  

Internal Conflicts:

Uncertain about the customs of her new land and both curious about them and disgusted by them. Her people’s plainspoken ways haven’t really prepared her for the politics of the valley and riverlands. While intelligent about politics, she has difficulty with her poker face at first and even when she develops one she has a tendency to tell her thoughts with her eyes.  

External Conflicts:

Trained in the art of Mountainfall, a mountaindweller’s martial art that emphasizes height advantage and using treacherous terrain, she is skilled but unblooded, and seeks to hide her inexperience whenever possible. Her training in Mountainfall puts her at a disadvantage in the salle as a fencer. Likewise, her familiarity with the bluff and often insult-based politics of the mountain kingdoms puts her at a disadvantage in the smoother, more indirect lowland courts.  


Petty when slighted. Absolutely prefers mountain beer (a rich, fruity ale) over wine and spirits.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Cinna's battle rage makes her easier to enrage when she is not in battle as well. Petty personal slights tend to stick and fester rather than slide off, and she feels that this makes her weak as a queen and as a warrior, so she tries to hide it. Unfortunately, hiding her anger at personal slights tends to make her more aggressive about them, and when slighted she can lash out even if the lash is extremely disproportionate to the slight.   She is extremely sensitive about her temper and tries to keep it under control at all times.


Queen Cinnaeide is a rather fastidious person, as befits her membership in the mountain peoples. She bathes at least weekly and perfumes herself when she is not bathing. Her hair is kept in elaborate braids befitting her station, with jewels woven into the pattern.
Current Status
Traveling to the home of her new husband, King Hamlin IV
Bright blue, seemingly perpetually light-adapted because of the brightness of the snowy peaks.
Elaborately braided and red-blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned from the sun reflecting from the peaks.
172 lbs.
Lady Dawnbearer, Church of the Mountain Confession.


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